Slap boxing is for poosies, I like to get drenched in blood, give me a fat lip, and a nice shiner, so I can get some pity from the ladies, and they can take care of me.
i said slapboxing cause if yooz got in a real fight, Marc would straight up own you. At least with slapboxing it gave you a chance...
Razor has personally told me she only marries down to Kings, all I have to do is murder my father and 3 brothers with rights to the throne before me, and we can get married, already poisened one brother, scheming on the next one, but for father its gonna take some James Bond Esque maneuvering to get him, his fortress is well protected.
And can eff off with your constant retarded statements
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)