How is a true statement ignorant? Isn't that a fact that they won the same amount of playoff games? A memorable season...OK ok thats what Eagles fans always have right? lol
Whatever dude I didn't know that you'd get your panties all in a twist over the All Pro comment. Speaking of an ignorant statement.
all i did was talk about why the Eagles lost blaming the Eagles and only the Eagles. You're the one who felt the need to bring up somthing so stupid about what I said that's irrelevant. then you started with the Cowboys recievers are better then the Eagles reciever bullshit and trying to justify how the shittyasshole cowgirls have all those players in a probowl. You're the one who cummed yourself because now you have something to bash me for, my team lost a hard fought battle in the playoffs. You want to hear a true statement, THE EAGLES ARE BETTER THEN THE COWBOYS.
btw, youre right about me being asshurt, my team just losy in the playoffs. At least you had since week three to calm down your frustration from your team going nowhere. It's only been a few hrs for me. I tried to stay away from the Eagles cowboys shit, I didnt want to go there, you cowgirls fans are just delusional and it's hard to try to convince yooz otherwise. my team just lost, i'm still upset. so what, i'll get over it.
While I said he's easily the bigger threat, I don't think either is substantially better than the other. Not that I want to start this argument, but it'd be like trading Peyton Manning and Tom Brady...except neither receiver is near the top 10 at their positions.
While I said he's easily the bigger threat, I don't think either is substantially better than the other. Not that I want to start this argument, but it'd be like trading Peyton Manning and Tom Brady...except neither receiver is near the top 10 at their positions.
Last night, with like 10mins to go in the game I ordered some food. As soon as the game was over the doorbell rang, it was the food guy. my face had to have been beat red I was sick to my fucking stomach angry. I opened the door and here's this little mexican with my food wearing a FUCKING cowboys hat. if looks could kill, the dude would be dead. but i left him a decent tip, i'm not an asshole like that. i just felt like a kick in the teeth when a cowboys fan rolls to my door 5 seconds after the Eagles loose. At least he prolly doesn't speak english, What's your guys being cowgirl fans excuses?
The Cowboys had a shitty season. Their defense gave up more yards and points than any other Cowboys defense in their history.
The Eagles did have a good season, Vick came back and had one hell of a year.
Until next year! always.
All I said was that the eagles don't have any All Pro Wrs. Its not my fault that you don't know the difference between All Pro and Pro Bowl.
But you know what...Now you do!
Not that I want to start this argument, but it'd be like trading Peyton Manning and Tom Brady...except neither receiver is near the top 10 at their positions.
are right, I started it... :-))
I just can't stand the Cowboys...
just kidding. I am a die-hard eagles fan.... made you think i was a cowgirls fan didnt i?
I WIN! :-))