WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
Been trying to find out more and this is fishy. Why no police report? Why is an Instagram post the first thing we are hearing about this? Is he being setup? Hmmm
My wife went to school with Shady. She’s good friends with one of his baby-mommas. According to her, he likes to hit girls. I haven’t always believed what she said, but it doesn’t look good now
Carolina overachieved last year (7-1 in one score games) and they're replacing both coordinators. Norv Turner as OC seems like an odd fit for Newton. If NO's defense wasn't a fluke they'll be tough as long as Brees is there.
Lucky for McCoy it wasn’t weed
Lul, nfl.
as if i didnt need another reason not to like him hut....he just had a baby with his current GF...and named the fucking kid owen :-L
ship confirmed
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)