I mean he has been pretty shitty most of the time hes played. Im cool with him but i understand why owners wouldnt want the added baggage for a shitty QB.
Playing fantasy football for the first time ever this season. Damn this shit is complicated.
Have a general idea of what you want to do based on where your draft spot is using mock drafts. When it comes to your actual draft people will make stupid as fuck moves and throw everything off.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
It hurts Kaep that he's leaving the organization in one of the most liberal cities in America
I get that people are mad about teams not jumping on him, but pretty much the same thing happened to Michael Sam a couple of years ago and Mahmoud Abdul-Rouf in the NBA back in the 90s and basically nothing happened. People don't even get mad enough to stop Wall Street and Washington from raping us yearly, the chances of them standing up for a backup QB are slim to none. I know black people that don't even consider him black and most of my politically invested friends don't give a shit about NFL to begin with
What would you like him on? Keep in mind he doesn't want to be a backup and wants 9 million. Go
Cutler not a backup and got $10 mil. Try again
The team and location is the reason for this one. Kaep supported Castro last year a good portion of the base in Miami are people who fled Castro, you think they are going to be cool with that? Plus cutler is a much better fit due to the coach involved there's a lot less of a learning curve and no baggage.
Move on peasant
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
What would you like him on? Keep in mind he doesn't want to be a backup and wants 9 million. Go
Cutler not a backup and got $10 mil. Try again
The team and location is the reason for this one. Kaep supported Castro last year a good portion of the base in Miami are people who fled Castro, you think they are going to be cool with that? Plus cutler is a much better fit due to the coach involved there's a lot less of a learning curve and no baggage.
Move on peasant
Cutler is injury prone and probably has injuries he's hiding now. Dude was in retirement and gets the call. Had only 3 winning seasons in his career and is a known turnover machine with bad work ethic. It's pure racism why Kaep is unemployed but white people want to ignore it. Nothing will get done about it because people don't stand up for themselves and fight back so fuck it.
I honestly don't care about him kneeling. He was trolling with the cop pig socks and Castro sympathizing though and that's where a lot of his message got clouded and people started to dislike him. Many of the players knelt including half of the dolphins team. Him kneeling wasn't the issue and people need to quit trying to make it the issue.
Kaep 5 years ago fuck yeah sign him now but the last few years he has been shit tier on the field and comes with a little controversy. Bad qb plus baggage doesn't equal starting job. Good qb with baggage no one cares about.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Yeah i mean leonard little played again after hit hit someone with his car and killed them. If he was good he would be on a team. There are plenty of shitty backups out there why take on one with the negative PR that He brings? (Not to say that i think its negative but a lot of sponsors do).
i think there are a lot of factors at play here. Honestly there is some racism going on some where. I just think its the easy way out to call it racisim. It think its probably more complex than that.
You keep saying this, but no one is saying that Kaepernick isn't a Raven because he doesn't want to be a backup. Nor is anyone saying his demand is $9 million. That information seems outdated at best unless you have a recent source confirming this.
He completed 60 percent of his passes last year and had a TD/INT ratio of 4 to 1 on a terrible team. He's better than the vast majority of backups in the league. It's fine to argue Cutler is better for Miami right now but it's pretty naive at this point to think that football ability and/or money are the sole reasons he's not signed.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I mean he has been pretty shitty most of the time hes played. Im cool with him but i understand why owners wouldnt want the added baggage for a shitty QB.
I get that people are mad about teams not jumping on him, but pretty much the same thing happened to Michael Sam a couple of years ago and Mahmoud Abdul-Rouf in the NBA back in the 90s and basically nothing happened. People don't even get mad enough to stop Wall Street and Washington from raping us yearly, the chances of them standing up for a backup QB are slim to none. I know black people that don't even consider him black and most of my politically invested friends don't give a shit about NFL to begin with
Move on peasant
chris carter
zeke about to go down though. RIP marc.
Kaep 5 years ago fuck yeah sign him now but the last few years he has been shit tier on the field and comes with a little controversy. Bad qb plus baggage doesn't equal starting job. Good qb with baggage no one cares about.
i think there are a lot of factors at play here. Honestly there is some racism going on some where. I just think its the easy way out to call it racisim. It think its probably more complex than that.
He completed 60 percent of his passes last year and had a TD/INT ratio of 4 to 1 on a terrible team. He's better than the vast majority of backups in the league. It's fine to argue Cutler is better for Miami right now but it's pretty naive at this point to think that football ability and/or money are the sole reasons he's not signed.