i get pissed when i see teams like cincy tearing it up while the lions haven't done shit but gon backwards when we were starting to go forwards. time to tear it all down and rebuild. we do have a chance to go 10-6 because the schedule gets easier but with how we're playing, no way in hell.
i get pissed when i see teams like cincy tearing it up while the lions haven't done shit but gon backwards when we were starting to go forwards. time to tear it all down and rebuild. we do have a chance to go 10-6 because the schedule gets easier but with how we're playing, no way in hell.
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Cousin was at the Lions game with his son, they are Cardinal fans...
He's actually married to my cousin. Born and raised in Arizona so it's not like he popped out of nowhere a Cardinal fan.