cycling is most was the dirtiest sport at that time. MMA was/is probably very close, but that is being cleaned up, at least on the UFC side of things.
yeah my friends comment wasn't really comparing it to other sports, cause he didn't know jack shit about those sports. He said it, but the context was just "everyone into cycling was doping in the 2000's". even at the amature - semi-pro levels.... crazy doping.
I'm not even sure how strict the NFL drug policies are. Like i know they are against steroids, but i have no idea their testing process. My guess is they probably preform some kind of test that is fairly easy to beat. I'm sure there are quite a few people in the NFL that are doping.
I'm not even sure how strict the NFL drug policies are. Like i know they are against steroids, but i have no idea their testing process. My guess is they probably preform some kind of test that is fairly easy to beat. I'm sure there are quite a few people in the NFL that are doping.
I must admit I've often wondered if Watt was juicing.
My proof of all armstrongs teammates being bullied and coerced into taking them by him is all throughout the 2 hr doc on Armstrong post scandal with personal interviews
My proof of all armstrongs teammates being bullied and coerced into taking them by him is all throughout the 2 hr doc on Armstrong post scandal with personal interviews
I dont care enough. I watched the 2 hour special... dudes were just passing blame off on the captain of the ship. there are lots of accounts that have come out on the doping in other teams too.... like I said, I dont care enough to really dig it up though because what does it even matter? It's a stupid thing to even argue. If I am right or you are right, so what? Im not saying Lance isnt a dbag. Im not saying he didnt dope. Just that everyone else was too... It's not that shocking of a revelation... search yourself if you are so interested. Im not.
BeastMode said "I'm just here so i don't get fined" 30 times during his superbowl media day appearance. The more he ignores the media the more popular he gets, Goodell must be close to an aneurysm.
You literally provided nothing to this conversation.