I'd be okay with the Lions losing out, however would really like the Cowboys in the playoffs. Without Murray they will be about as good as Arizona is without a QB )
I can't wait until the Seahawks win their second superbowl this year. Hopefully it's a bigger blow out than last years.
I think the AFC wins it this year. Whole NFC field is weaker than in years past.
Nah... NFC still has it. Other than NE picking up Seahawk Brandon Browner, there wasnt much movement in the AFC to switch it over. And before you start with inter-Conf records - bah. Means jack shit and players play like it too. When the championship is on the line, it's coming back to the NFC again this year. Seattle more specifically.
There are more winning top teams in the AFC but on the opposite end look at any power rankings and the Titans, Raiders, Jets and Jaguars own 29-32 in every single one
1. Win out
2. Go 1-1 with GB losing against Detroit.
Not sure there are any other reasonable ways of that happening.
fuck my shaft can't take this much riding
More like 1 in a billion chance....