raiders have the most bad ass unis in sports history plus the players/fans to back it up
The broncos unis are like 3/10 wnb
Cool...they also have one of the worst owners in sports history, had the worst attendance in the NFL last year, and their only pro bowler was their fullback lmao. Have fun sucking dick at the bottom of the league with fuckin Matt Schuab as your qb. Glad the jerseys are cool doe.
nothing you said was wrong .. I kinda don't mind them sucking so much because of that reason, they have the worst management in football.. They kind of deserve the worst record .. Once we get a better front office it'll be better again who knows when that'll happen tho .. In the meantime I'll just enjoy the fact that they are one of the most bad as teams in sports history with a celebrated history and not some team that looked like they had some jerry macguire looking faggot on a marketing team make their redicoulus corny ass logo that I could never root under ever
I guess nobody is buying the "moving to LA" stories anymore
Honestly it would kinda work
As long as they didn't fuck with the logo
Easy crossover with the Spurs having the same colors, too :-?
marc finna be a raiders fan
if there raiders had to be moved to somewhere San Antonio would prob be one of the only choices I'd be ok with
says the paper fan
Cowboys #1 and da bess.
But I want to support the Raiders cause we would finally have a team here and I want them to stay here if they do come. Going to be weird as fuck doe.
it's not happening so don't worry about it
i'd rather not have a team than root for the raiders
raiders have the most bad ass unis in sports history plus the players/fans to back it up
The broncos unis are like 3/10 wnb
your inner nigger is showing
not gonna lie that's the initial draw to the team, been a fan since the 99 season doe so goin on 15 years now
Their unis suck...broncos uni>
If you're a faggot
Like 99 percent of the time their unis were cool before they had to modernize them .. Same with the pats/ bucs/ oilers etc
Cool...they also have one of the worst owners in sports history, had the worst attendance in the NFL last year, and their only pro bowler was their fullback lmao. Have fun sucking dick at the bottom of the league with fuckin Matt Schuab as your qb. Glad the jerseys are cool doe.
nothing you said was wrong .. I kinda don't mind them sucking so much because of that reason, they have the worst management in football.. They kind of deserve the worst record .. Once we get a better front office it'll be better again who knows when that'll happen tho .. In the meantime I'll just enjoy the fact that they are one of the most bad as teams in sports history with a celebrated history and not some team that looked like they had some jerry macguire looking faggot on a marketing team make their redicoulus corny ass logo that I could never root under ever
the raiders are easily the most metal team in sports history *drops mic*