What I don't get is these fools are making ridiculous money. Play whatever years you can make all the money you can then spend the rest of your life getting high on whatever the fuck you want. How is it worth the risk knowing you can get in trouble with the league and team? I'm not saying weed is bad either.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
i can kinda agree. it's just a silly thing to be outlawed to begin with and tbh its really good for some people. i'm a hateful prick when i'm sober. weed keeps me centered. i've been prescribed all sorts of different mood-altering drugs, all of which gave me shitty side effects and/or made things worse mentally. weed just makes me feel good. i think its a big hypocrisy that dude can go out and get drunk as fuck with his buddies and nobody cares, but having weed in your car might get him suspended
I hope the broncos win it all this year tbh.