FUCK!..We had a shot..That one isn't Mannings fault. Good game Also Erik..Stop saying "Ya'll" like you're from the south or you're gangsta or something Fucking embarassing yourself.
And what's embarrassing is you just now noticed that when I been saying it forever. That's how I actually talk. Just like how I say "Im'ma" instead of I'm gonna. Deal wit it. You just looking for something to talk shit about 'cause of your poverty ass team. Take your L and get the fuck out my face.
And are we seriously still on the gangsta shit, you fucking clown? I recorded a song yesterday that's pitch shifted to sound like a female is singing, and will be buying the new Pokemon games on Tuesday. Yes I'm sooo hard and gangsta/try to be. 8-|
Na....you embarass yourself..people here know I just fuck around and that I'm a pretty responsible person/husband/father You on the other hand..lol..you got forum members getting ready to call your parent"s" on your stupid ass. We all know you're a fucking true life young wanna be thug with no realistic goals. Keep mixing your tapes wigger. We all love a good laugh. 0-6..When was the last time Chicago won the big one?
And are we seriously still on the gangsta shit, you fucking clown? I recorded a song yesterday that's pitch shifted to sound like a female is singing, and will be buying the new Pokemon games on Tuesday. Yes I'm sooo hard and gangsta/try to be. 8-|
You truly are a fucking bafoon I try to compensate for your age But it's hard with some of the shit you say wow..just wow..no words for you
From this point on..I'm not even gonna reply to any of your post. You're dead to me..Can't even talk to you because your post become just fucking stupid and you beat me with ignorance. Done with you..
From this point on..I'm not even gonna reply to any of your post. You're dead to me..Can't even talk to you because your post become just fucking stupid and you beat me with ignorance. Done with you..
The irony. )
And you'll ignore me (If you actually do.) for a single day, tops. Kill yourself.
And no I'm not fair weather. Still love my team, still gonna torture myself every week but this shit is just sad. Just give Denver the ring now.
Also Erik..Stop saying "Ya'll" like you're from the south or you're gangsta or something
Fucking embarassing yourself.
You embarrass yourself wit everything you say.
And what's embarrassing is you just now noticed that when I been saying it forever. That's how I actually talk. Just like how I say "Im'ma" instead of I'm gonna. Deal wit it. You just looking for something to talk shit about 'cause of your poverty ass team. Take your L and get the fuck out my face.
0-6 ALL IN!1!1!1!1!1!111!!!!1!1!1!
You on the other hand..lol..you got forum members getting ready to call your parent"s" on your stupid ass. We all know you're a fucking true life young wanna be thug with no realistic goals. Keep mixing your tapes wigger. We all love a good laugh. 0-6..When was the last time Chicago won the big one?
I try to compensate for your age
But it's hard with some of the shit you say
wow..just wow..no words for you
>Has his 4 year old son shooting guns.
And yea, who was threatening to tattle to Mommy because a teenager called him a faggot online? Your fellow salty ass old man. What a surprise.
And look at a fucking truck driver who admits to only having a GED talking shit about my goals.
Wanna be thug.
Fucking clown.
And you'll ignore me (If you actually do.) for a single day, tops. Kill yourself.
And since you have no room to talk shit about football, might as well shift the subject, right?
Fucking WOAT.