I would have liked to explain a bit more as to the whole troops not being able to watch football issue, but I'm on my phone and was short on time. I would like to point out that I didn't infer that they don't deserve it, just that I don't feel like the government should be required to allow them to watch. Is it lame that they can't for the time being? Yeah, I certainly don't disagree with that, but I don't feel that it is "fuck the government" worthy.
Anyways, respond if you'd like and I'll discuss it with yall. Also, go Cowboys.
Yea..We're really bad this year..o well..we had recent success and I guess I can hang my hat on that but fuck man...Can't find nothing good this year to cheer about..I still watch every game but I'm no doubt busted on this year
I would have liked to explain a bit more as to the whole troops not being able to watch football issue, but I'm on my phone and was short on time. I would like to point out that I didn't infer that they don't deserve it, just that I don't feel like the government should be required to allow them to watch. Is it lame that they can't for the time being? Yeah, I certainly don't disagree with that, but I don't feel that it is "fuck the government" worthy.
Anyways, respond if you'd like and I'll discuss it with yall. Also, go Cowboys.
1. Communism doesn't work ever and has nothing to do with what I said.
2. I said I agree that it's lame that they can't watch, I just don't feel that it's a huge issue because that's not what the military is about. Many of the troops don't even get running water where they're at and are fighting for their lives in some of the most dangerous places on earth so I'm not incredibly upset that a few others might have to miss out on football for a few weeks while they're on base.
Anyways, respond if you'd like and I'll discuss it with yall. Also, go Cowboys.
2. I said I agree that it's lame that they can't watch, I just don't feel that it's a huge issue because that's not what the military is about. Many of the troops don't even get running water where they're at and are fighting for their lives in some of the most dangerous places on earth so I'm not incredibly upset that a few others might have to miss out on football for a few weeks while they're on base.