Patriots lose Welker to the Broncos, Gronk due to surgery and Hernandez due to being an idiot. Patriots gain Tebow. Not a very good trade off this offseason. They are gonna suck ass this season
W. Sapp needs to shut his fucking mouth. Dude is so jealous of Strahan it's sickning. Thinks he is billy bad ass because he made hall before Strahan. GOt news for you Sapp..Strahan is sitting on the set of Fox EVERY Sunday..You're not..your stab at commentary was uncomfortable to watch to be honest..Oh and don't forget his gig with RIpa..So shut your mouth you fat pile of shit.
W. Sapp needs to shut his fucking mouth. Dude is so jealous of Strahan it's sickning. Thinks he is billy bad ass because he made hall before Strahan. GOt news for you Sapp..Strahan is sitting on the set of Fox EVERY Sunday..You're not..your stab at commentary was uncomfortable to watch to be honest..Oh and don't forget his gig with RIpa..So shut your mouth you fat pile of shit.
Cause he's on the set of Inside The NFL on Showtime )
W. Sapp needs to shut his fucking mouth. Dude is so jealous of Strahan it's sickning. Thinks he is billy bad ass because he made hall before Strahan. GOt news for you Sapp..Strahan is sitting on the set of Fox EVERY Sunday..You're not..your stab at commentary was uncomfortable to watch to be honest..Oh and don't forget his gig with RIpa..So shut your mouth you fat pile of shit.
Cause he's on the set of Inside The NFL on Showtime )
He wasn't last year maybe because he was promoting his book
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I'd say if it wasn't already done... we won't be seeing him in a Patriots uniform again.
Broke peice of shit!