There's absolutely no way Fangio or Roman don't get a shot at a head coaching job very soon. Roman would probably be gone if the 49ers weren't still playing.
There's absolutely no way Fangio or Roman don't get a shot at a head coaching job very soon. Roman would probably be gone if the 49ers weren't still playing.
Don't think Fangio really gets his shot. He's sort of been tried and true as a DC and although I'm sure he'll get a little interest, I don't think he's HC material.
Roman, on the other hand, I've been preparing mentally to lose all year. Didn't think there was a way that he wouldn't be gone this year. Now, it seems like a sure thing he'll be back. Maybe unless a college HC position pops up? Didn't see this coming at all. A third year under that coaching staff could be lethal.
Goes with what they always say. Best way to keep your coaching staff is to win. GM's and front offices don't want to wait into February.
Jaguars hire Seahawks' Bradley as head coach;_ylt=Alr8g.UPj4YdAT9nTL39Ty05nYcB;_ylu=X3oDMTRsYWtkZGQyBG1pdANMSVNUUyBNaXhlZCBMaXN0IEZQIEhlYWRsaW5lcwRwa2cDYmFiZDMwYjItYjMxMC0zZjVjLWJmYTAtZGNmNTFiMDEyOTA4BHBvcwMzBHNlYwNNZWRpYUJMaXN0TWl4ZWRMUENBVGVtcAR2ZXIDNTgwYzUwZTAtNjBiNy0xMWUyLWFhZGYtMTdmZGIzODI4YTNm;_ylg=X3oDMTFpNzk0NjhtBGludGwDdXMEbGFuZwNlbi11cwRwc3RhaWQDBHBzdGNhdANob21lBHB0A3NlY3Rpb25z;_ylv=3
That was fast.
I want Bradley back
Roman, on the other hand, I've been preparing mentally to lose all year. Didn't think there was a way that he wouldn't be gone this year. Now, it seems like a sure thing he'll be back. Maybe unless a college HC position pops up? Didn't see this coming at all. A third year under that coaching staff could be lethal.
Goes with what they always say. Best way to keep your coaching staff is to win. GM's and front offices don't want to wait into February.