I don't see the Broncos making any kind of splash in playoffs.
Neither do I. They have only beaten cupcake teams and three of those losses came from the Falcons, Pats, and Texans. Three of the best teams in the NFL and two of those coming from the AFC. Lets see how they do against the Ravens.
This is fucking disgusting. We're getting the game fucking handed to us on a silver platter 'cause of all of Green Bay's fuck-ups, yet we can't do jackshit. This Offense is the worst in the league. An absolute train wreck.
There have been some very questionable pass interference calls in this game that were called and some very obvious interference calls not called. Jeffrey didn't deserve most of the offensive calls.
jesus you know nothing about football.
Eli got me a 4 in fantasy this week. Probably going to lose.