Absolutely. Next pick he throws might be his last in a 49er uniform. People want a change under center, but it's hard to justify when the team is winning.
Smith has had some pretty shitty performances in the past, but has come a long way. I'll never forget the home game they played and the entire stadium was yelling for "Carr", but he's still around and getting us to the playoffs (again). If Smith is still inactive next week it will be interesting to see if Kaepernick can be consistant.
The day you need a gun and don't have one, may be your last.
Not a fair weather fan. Wine already said it for me. Game was sickening, disgusting, vomit inducing, you name it. Same shit, different year. Fall apart after the halfway mark. Honestly, the game humbled my opinions on my team. Even if we win out and go 13-3, I'll find it hard to even be excited. We're an elite team.......against -.500 teams. Our O-Line and lack of offensive scoring weapons shows that we don't yet have what it takes to win a Super Bowl, let alone be a contender. We don't compete against elite teams. The first 2 that we play, and we get embarrassed in back to back games. Houston, not so bad, they only beat us by 7, but as expected, they made our Offense look like a joke. Yes, it's reassuring that we have an elite D and held a great Offense to low scoring, but in a D Vs. D battle like that, the one wit such a mediocre Offense that can't score against an elite D, is NOT coming out the victor. As far as San Francisco, we looked like a high school team, and it was absolutely disgusting. Even the D was terrible, I don't know what the fuck happened there. And don't even get me started on our jOke-Line. Not only is it the worst O-Line in the entire league this season, it may be the WOAT O-Line. Period. The fact that these motherfuckers are "professional players" is a disgrace. Letting your QB get sacked on a fucking 3 man rush? What a fucking joke. And what a surprise, Marshall is becoming our only target, and the entire fucking league knows it, so make sure he's covered and you end our entire Offensive game plan. We have an Offense that doesn't even fucking believe or have any confidence in any other Offensive weapons we have, save for Marshall. Yes, we finally have an All-Star name on our team when we haven't for a long time, so obviously, the solution is to strip him of his All-Star stats by making him your only target and making sure teams cover his ass like a fucking blanket. Fuck it, time to get in the classic Chicago Cubs mindset. "Maybe next year.".
Now if Kaepernick was in Philly, or San Diego... :-?
Kaepernick is going to start next week fo sho.
Oh how things have changed in 3 short years...
2012 Bears: Undefeated against bad teams.