Ok..I'll bite...why's that I'm a fag? Because I don't think they should of moved game? Piss off! We're New Yorkers..the toughest breed there is. We can handle adversity.
Understatement..Better hope you don't make the Superbowl again....Break your fucking "Hots" again. I had no idea that he was a pats fan. Kinda makes him my little bitch. From now on I refer to him as "My little bitch".
I'll be the first to admit the Giants have the Patriots number. Pats can't even beat them in preseason. Just how it is for now.
Now there's nothing wrong with having team pride, but you bring it to other threads and try to shove it down our throats how gay you are for the Eli and the Giants. Hence why you are a fag.
Your reality might come crashing down after I say this but... You are not a member of the New York Giants.
Champ? More like chump.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
I was commenting on Satans post in Sandy thread...not pushing football over there. Also...I am a fan..that makes me a member MyLittleBitch. Go choke yourself. I am The CHamp and I approve this message.
Excuse me for yucking it up. I sat by silently for YEARS! Maddox/Reeves..Dave Brown (joke)..Ray Handley (gimmeafuckingbreak)..Tiki (Yeah..I hate that scumbag)..he threw Eli under the bus..him and SHocky..fuck them..Soon as they leave we win..Shocky watched from the sidelines with a broken foot...In steps Boss...Next guy up..Giants! All In!
i don't see why everyone has such a problem with gary. he's just a fan with a big boner for his team. i don't really hate the giants either. i was a big fan of the late 80's giants with lt/simms/bavaro. dudes could play
Now there's nothing wrong with having team pride, but you bring it to other threads and try to shove it down our throats how gay you are for the Eli and the Giants. Hence why you are a fag.
Your reality might come crashing down after I say this but... You are not a member of the New York Giants.
Champ? More like chump.