I gotta say it looks pretty dirty. Ball is no where near them.maybe Vontaze didnt see him coming but itnlooks like he meant to lay him put. With his track record it just doesnt look good. Hard to say 100% from that angle but if i had to inwould say it was dirty.
Well from that angle it looks pretty dirty. You cant just lay a guy out when the ball isnt anywhere near the play. If t was an accident and they bumped into each other we wouldnt have seen one guy falling to the ground like that i wouldnt think.
My view on the play is it should have been a 15 yard penalty during the game. However with him going shoulder to chest I don't see it as that terrrible of a play. I am biased though.
Im glad Satan shared that video though because I don't like dirty play if they cut burfict now it wouldn't bother me. With that said though the steelers and ravens have been doing shit like this to the Bengals as long as I can remember and there is never a big deal made out of it. With the division we are in and especially if it's against the steelers I'm fine with him teeing off on someone otherwise they walk all over us and the league is cool with it.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Im glad Satan shared that video though because I don't like dirty play if they cut burfict now it wouldn't bother me. With that said though the steelers and ravens have been doing shit like this to the Bengals as long as I can remember and there is never a big deal made out of it. With the division we are in and especially if it's against the steelers I'm fine with him teeing off on someone otherwise they walk all over us and the league is cool with it.