So it sounds like the patriots are gonna have to pay the remainder of hernandez's aigning bonus totaling 3.5 million. One of his work out bonus's and theres an offer on his estate that was on hold for his house of 1.3 million. It sounds like all of his legal issues would have held all of this up so thats why he kh. His fiancé is also most likely entitled to his pension which is 50k per year in the nfl.
aaron clearly wasnt a very good person. He went out like a bawse doe if thats true. A little part of me cant help but feel some compassion for him. His brain cleary wasn't developed correctly. His upbringing probably didnt help. Regardless of his athletic ability he really never was given the tools to lead a good life.
Hopefully that is true and his wife/kid get that money. They deserve every penny.
Whatever law it is that because he killed himself before he had a chance to appeal the first conviction, technically he died an innocent man. Which would be the reason the Patriots would owe him money from his contract.
Death is not the worst of evils.
You can't be down, when you're always high.
Fuck jay cutlers broadcasting debut is going to be the bears v titas preseason )))))))))
suck a dick bears fans i hope he does every lions bears game
Probably going to take the bears only this one game to realize how stupid their Mike Glennon contract was. Cutler is a better qb. And I'm not saying jay is good
Clear racism against the whites
aaron clearly wasnt a very good person. He went out like a bawse doe if thats true. A little part of me cant help but feel some compassion for him. His brain cleary wasn't developed correctly. His upbringing probably didnt help. Regardless of his athletic ability he really never was given the tools to lead a good life.
Hopefully that is true and his wife/kid get that money. They deserve every penny.
suck a dick bears fans i hope he does every lions bears game
However, that law is some bullshit.
Hopefully this guy can keep improving. if davis can be that plug at Inside LB we migt really have something here if the defense stays healthy.