Whatever. He's made something like $40 million dollars the last 2 years for about 4 1/2 games of work. They're in their rights to try and get something for their investment
Only one I really don't like is Dan Fouts and it's only because he ends up on a bunch of the Bengals games and dude is still all bitter about the freezer bowl or some shit. It doesn't matter how well the Bengals are playing that day he just shits on them non stop. I'm cool if you don't like my team but as a broadcaster you need to keep biases out
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
even though they hate NY
It's fucking obvious but they work good together
chris spielman is the best one IMO. He actually teaches you about the x's and o's during the broadcast