Everyone on the Broncos subreddit is salty about Brock (myself included) but the amount of salt is still hilarious. Someone posted this pic and now whenever someone mentions him they call him Brent )
Speakin of that subreddit, you want some pure comedy gold go over to the Lion's SB Nation website. I think it's "The Lion's Den" or somethin. Full of tin foil hat faggots like Rex and I remember one dude had said that the NFL has it out for the Lions and will never "let" them win because it's not a big market city that would make them money bein in the SB. And it got a shit ton of upvotes and people were agreeing sayin the NFL has become WWE.
Fuck you and your retarded son/wife gary
just curious doe
did that subreddit mention anything about 6 in a row against Chicago?