Well now that the tiny bit of hope I had left hiding deep deep within me is crushed, I can focus on the dumb shit like buying a Barry Church jersey solely because he is from Toledo.
Before the season started, if I had to pull for anyone in the superbowl other than the cowboys it would have been the Colts after picking up guys like Andre Johnson and Frank Gore who I'd like to see get a ring. That doesn't seem likely so I think I'll ride the Panthers band wagon. They had are actual contenders and had the human decency to let a guy like Hardy go. Cam Newton will probably be the guy that ends up blowing it though lol
Before the season started, if I had to pull for anyone in the superbowl other than the cowboys it would have been the Colts after picking up guys like Andre Johnson and Frank Gore who I'd like to see get a ring. That doesn't seem likely so I think I'll ride the Panthers band wagon. They had are actual contenders and had the human decency to let a guy like Hardy go. Cam Newton will probably be the guy that ends up blowing it though lol
Also Patriots vs. Giants sunday will be a statement and redemption game for the Pats.
> regular season game
> redemption game