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**Official 2024 Detroit Lions Thread**



  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    edited February 2015
    Wine said:
    You obviously have no idea how much the government spends of our tax money on the Drug war. Why would they want a percentage of the weed sale money, when they get more in drug war funding then they would in this small cut? Yeah it's more profitable for local government and for the economy... Not for the feds though.

    Really I just want weed legalized so that stoners would no longer have anything to talk about. Im tried of having this conversation over and over again. I get it, it shouldnt be illegal. Can we please move on now.
    The federal government is the one spending the money to enforce the laws, so this makes no sense.  It's not in the law enforcement's interest, necessarily, sure.  But the government doesn't want people in prison because they have to spend money on them, they don't get taxes from them or their employers, among other reasons.

      The Feds are spending 25.4 Billion on direct spending to fight the War on Drugs, and off the books or indirectly it's probably more like 50 Billion annually. The DEA employes about 10,000 employees, so that right there are 10k people employed because of the drug policy in this country. Then if you consider all the extra employed by overstaffed prisons, extra law enforcement agencies, etc.. then that number probably climbs by 10x. So The Drug war is costing us about 50 Billion in tax dollars, is employing 100,000 people, and is such a fat budget that I am sure there is probably skimming going off the top. So you think the federal government has no reason to keep this money train rolling? 

    It's like you are thinking of the government as a person who is financial responsible. They do have motivation to keep people in prison because keeping people in prison employees all the prison workers and allow the state and federal government to make a spot in their budget for prision upkeep. Like the state of California collects from teh tax payers 90k for every innmate they lock up. They then spend close to 50,000 anually to keep that inmate behind bars. See link :

    So you seriously think that the Gov would like to just end that? End the war on drugs so you have less inmates, can collect less tax money from the people and just give that back? Fuck no... They collect, skim, spend, keep the game rolling. Because remember, the state and the federal government are not a source of income... they are a income sink. They steal all their money from you and I to fund their bullshit agendas.

  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    and you know the fucked up thing... I bet you 90+% of those immates would not be committing crimes if the Government instead just gave them that 90k they will be collecting when they lock them
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy
    you really are an idiot 

  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Wine said:
    Wine said:
    D.C too kinda
    No.  Any efforts by the District to legalize marijuana will be met by the federal government ending any of its funding in the budget.
    this just shows they don't give a fuck about our rights.
    They give a fuck about your rights if you're in a state, because they can't do anything about it.  DC has no governor, or body that can stand up to the federal government like a state does.  Everybody in the District right now is being taxed without representation.  It's a huge issue here that no one talks about outside of DC.
    Damn that's fucked up
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    you really are an idiot 

    I gave you direct links from the god damn white house proving you 100% wrong, and you're just going to call me an idiot? News flash dip shit... If you think Im wrong fucking prove it. Exactly like I did. I look forward to seeing your links discrediting what the White house themselves say they are spending on the actual war on drugs.

    > Nah we dont spend tax money on drug war
    > receives link from white house stating what they spend on drug war
    > you guys are idiots

    :| Talk about DBCT.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy
    It's like you are thinking of the government as a person who is financial responsible. They do have motivation to keep people in prison because keeping people in prison employees all the prison workers and allow the state and federal government to make a spot in their budget for prision upkeep. Like the state of California collects from teh tax payers 90k for every innmate they lock up. They then spend close to 50,000 anually to keep that inmate behind bars. See link 

    They prisons are full because they are mostly all privately  owned. They have contract with the states to keep their occupancy rate at or above 99%. So the state is getting their tax money regardless of the marijuana laws. If everyone hypothetically stopped breaking every law right now the prisons would still be getting filled because of contracts. 

  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy
    I never said we don't spend tax money on the war on drugs you fucking idiot =))
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers

    They prisons are full because they are mostly all privately  owned. They have contract with the states to keep their occupancy rate at or above 99%. So the state is getting their tax money regardless of the marijuana laws. If everyone hypothetically stopped breaking every law right now the prisons would still be getting filled because of contracts. 

    link for contract that mandates 99% occupancy rate? Also... Im not just talking about Marijuana laws. When you start talking about the Drug War, it includes all. I agree we started this with Weed laws but it went a little beyond that.

    Also care to tell me in this hypothetical world where everyone all of a sudden stopped breaking laws, who are they going to be filling the prisons with to keep it at 99%?
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy
    edited February 2015
    > doesn't care
    >gets irate and cusses at people counter arguing

    > my job is done here folks 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy

    They prisons are full because they are mostly all privately  owned. They have contract with the states to keep their occupancy rate at or above 99%. So the state is getting their tax money regardless of the marijuana laws. If everyone hypothetically stopped breaking every law right now the prisons would still be getting filled because of contracts. 

    link for contract that mandates 99% occupancy rate? Also... Im not just talking about Marijuana laws. When you start talking about the Drug War, it includes all. I agree we started this with Weed laws but it went a little beyond that.

    Also care to tell me in this hypothetical world where everyone all of a sudden stopped breaking laws, who are they going to be filling the prisons with to keep it at 99%?
    um....the same people they are filling it with now....the innocent 
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I never said we don't spend tax money on the war on drugs you fucking idiot =))

    Except you did right here :
     The real fight is coming from all the prescription drug companies, alcohol, and tobacco.  They are the ones spending the money to fund the war on drugs and lobbying against it.

    And from my link, I showed that it is the White House funding the war on drugs. You said in that quote that the prescription drug companies, alcohol, and tobacco are the ones spending money on the war on drugs. - Nope. The DEA is funded by the white house and the fed gov spends 25-50 billion on the war on drugs. Perhaps those other companies also spend money to try and push the gov in certain directions, but the feds themselves are funding the war on drugs. Not the companies you named.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy
    I guess i was a little off. The average requirement is 90%

    So basically they get paid to have 90% of their beds filled. Even if only 50% of them are filled they still get paid for 90% ( or what ever their contract states) 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy
    Ok...they are paying the politicians  to keep the war on drugs moving is what i meant. I didn't mean that we don't spend actual tax money on the war on drugs :| thats retarded 
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers

    They prisons are full because they are mostly all privately  owned. They have contract with the states to keep their occupancy rate at or above 99%. So the state is getting their tax money regardless of the marijuana laws. If everyone hypothetically stopped breaking every law right now the prisons would still be getting filled because of contracts. 

    link for contract that mandates 99% occupancy rate? Also... Im not just talking about Marijuana laws. When you start talking about the Drug War, it includes all. I agree we started this with Weed laws but it went a little beyond that.

    Also care to tell me in this hypothetical world where everyone all of a sudden stopped breaking laws, who are they going to be filling the prisons with to keep it at 99%?
    um....the same people they are filling it with now....the innocent 
    The people they are filling it with now broke laws. They are unjust laws no doubt, but that wasn't my question.... In your first quote above you said that even if everyone stopped breaking any laws, the prisions would be filled because of a contract. So I am asking- In your made up world where every citizen stopped breaking all laws right now. Everyone cold turkey-ed drugs, no more piracy, everyone started driving like their grandma, and literally no one broke any law at all.... How are they going to stock these prisons like you claim they would do? 
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy
    What if everyone stopped breaking speeding laws? Do you really think people would stop getting speeding tickets? They have quotas to make, and they are going to get made regardless of if people are speeding or not. 
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Ok...they are paying the politicians  to keep the war on drugs moving is what i meant. I didn't mean that we don't spend actual tax money on the war on drugs :| thats retarded 
    Finally! I aint going to argue that. And that brings us full circle... Why would those running government want to stop these closed door payouts from lobbyist that the war on drugs is giving them? The war on drugs is making people very rich in Washington. No motivation to stop.

    And had you just said that in the first place then I wouldnt have taken issue with what you said.
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    Err body talkin bout crime drum but tell me who are the criminals?
    i don't want no peace I need equal rights and justice 
  • WakeOfAshesWakeOfAshes Posts: 21,665 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I guess i was a little off. The average requirement is 90%

    So basically they get paid to have 90% of their beds filled. Even if only 50% of them are filled they still get paid for 90% ( or what ever their contract states) 
    I think this also answers my other post.... the hypothetical one on no law breaking. Answer.... prisons stay empty and we still pay the same amount we do in taxes for it. Okay, I can believe that.

    However if you have prisons that are say 50% empty, then when these contracts come up for renewal (assuming they exist) then I'd guess the state and feds would not renew some of them because why would they if they are only 50% full?
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy
    Ok...they are paying the politicians  to keep the war on drugs moving is what i meant. I didn't mean that we don't spend actual tax money on the war on drugs :| thats retarded 
    Finally! I aint going to argue that. And that brings us full circle... Why would those running government want to stop these closed door payouts from lobbyist that the war on drugs is giving them? The war on drugs is making people very rich in Washington. No motivation to stop.

    And had you just said that in the first place then I wouldnt have taken issue with what you said.
  • Rex_Capone420Rex_Capone420 Posts: 69,596 spicy boy
    fuck thats hilarious 
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