How the fuck do the Refs not review that call when the entire Seattle line is calling for it. Like Jesus christ that was awful. I mean to be fair it's the Seahawks fault for even making the game that close, but christ Refs... Make the right FUCKING calls!
Giants are what they are..a mediocre team...Dallas is not as good as their 6-1 record
The cowboys are for sure making the playoffs. You'd be silly to think otherwise. That said, when they are actually playing in the playoffs they should use Murray to his full ability and not try and win the game on Romo's arm. I've seen far to many Romo lead playoff games to know the truth in that statement.
Giants are what they are..a mediocre team...Dallas is not as good as their 6-1 record
The cowboys are for sure making the playoffs. You'd be silly to think otherwise. That said, when they are actually playing in the playoffs they should use Murray to his full ability and not try and win the game on Romo's arm. I've seen far to many Romo lead playoff games to know the truth in that statement.
You've seen Romo lead playoff games??? All 1 of them....
And stop with the flags faggot. Gary is newnewbianca
You've seen Romo lead playoff games??? All 1 of them....
Hello darkness my old friend