Regarding the Seattle game. We had opportunities and shit the bed. Plain and simple. Our defense was terrific as far as I'm concerned. A lot of it came down to coaching. Bad coaching on Peyton.
This opinion > Jake's opinion [-(
Jim Caldwell ) ) ) ) )
Fuck you, I was starting to get over it too.... :-<
The way I see it, is im a fan of one team. The Broncos. Im a football fan and ill watch non Bronco games but I would never root for another team or say Im a fan. Actually thats a lie if another team winning improves our division standings or playoff contention then im all for it. Anything else is bandwagonism.
Unless youve lived in multiple citites. But im tired of seeing Colorado raised people wearing Raiders or Cowboys shit.
] - ''don't bother sending that plane"
Oh man the first few pages of this thread are gold