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Some funny shit about black metal and rap.

ComptonAssBertoComptonAssBerto Posts: 3,899 just the tip
edited October 2010 in Off Topic
Some of these are pretty funny, I liked these two the most.

Are rap and black metal alike?

Rap: Obsessed with "keeping it real", an arbitrary set of rules
Black metal: Obsessed with "staying true", an arbitrary set of rules

Rap: Band members with fake names
Black metal: Band members with fake names

Rap: Complaints about oppression from white Christians
Black metal: Complaints about oppression from white Christians

Rap: Overly concerned with making money
Black metal: Overly concerned with not making money

Rap: Cheesy synthesizers
Black metal: Cheesy synthesizers

Rap: Barely in English
Black metal: Barely in English

Rap: Strong feelings about God
Black metal: Strong feelings about God

Rap: Black skin
Black metal: Black leather

Rap: 100 guest appearances on every album
Black metal: 100 side projects by every band member

Rap: Musicians arrested for murder
Black metal: Musicians arrested for murder

Rap: Closed-minded fanbase
Black metal: Closed-minded fanbase

Rap: Very expensive tennis shoes
Black metal: Very expensive leather boots

Rap: Imagery containing dogs
Black metal: Imagery containing wolves

Rap: Negative portrayals of whites
Black metal: Negative portrayals of Jews

Rap: Rips off samples from pop music
Black metal: Rips off ideas from classical music

Rap: Videos with super-shiny floors and cars
Black metal: Videos with super-shiny swords

Rap: Imagery of the urban jungles
Black metal: Imagery of the bleak forests

Rap: Pride in geographic region
Black metal: Pride in geographic region

Rap: Pride in own race
Black metal: Pride in own race

Rap: Songs about hanging out
Black metal: Songs about hanging people

Rap: Overly concerned with appearance
Black metal: Overly concerned with appearance

Rap: High number of guys with either no hair or long hair
Black metal: High number of guys with either no hair or long hair

Rap: Vocal style masks lack of singing ability
Black metal: Vocal style masks lack of singing ability

Rap: Take pride in their (unintentionally) humorous lyrics
Black metal: Take pride in their (unintentionally) humorous lyrics

Rap: Musicians face accusations of selling out
Black metal: Musicians face accusations of selling out

Rap: Unusual interest in ancestry
Black metal: Unusual interest in ancestry

Rap: Videos with scantily-clad women
Black metal: Promo photos with scantily-clad women

Rap: Booty Calls are a common theme
Black metal: A Call To Arms is a common theme

Rap: Constantly drinking alcohol
Black metal: Constantly drinking alcohol

Rap: Axing people kweshuns
Black metal: Carrying battle axes

Rap: Bitching about being enslaved
Black metal: A bunch of bitches called Enslaved


  • ComptonAssBertoComptonAssBerto Posts: 3,899 just the tip
    101 Rules of Hardcore

    1) Be tough at all times.
    2) Never cheer after a show, only clap.
    3) Be open minded in a "punch people" kind of way
    4) Only the good hardcore bands have names that are sentences with bad grammar. Boy Hits Car, Boy Sets Fire, Skycamefalling, Boy Sets Car-fire.
    5) Ankles are tough so bring your socks down into your shoes so we can see them.
    6) Tattoos are tough especially when they are on your calves. See Rule 5 on how to see said tattoo more clearly.
    7) Wear your hoody in the mosh pit because sweating like a wild pig makes you look tough.
    8) Don't admit you listen to heavy metal.
    9) (Exception to rule 8) Only admit you listen to heavy metal if you think it is ironic and you wear 80's cheese metal shirts.
    10) Be a non-conformist, just like all your friends.
    11) Practice hardcore dancing in front of your mirror and then try them out the next time Atreyu comes to town.
    12) A hardcore band is only original if you call it something-core. Example Screamcore, emocore, Screamocore, mathcore, or Medio-core.
    13) Remember, it's fun to punch and kick kung fu style.
    14) Keep it in the do-jo.
    15) Real hardcore fans are called kids.
    16) Complain how hardcore bands are playing with metal bands at all costs!
    17) Have your own zine, website, production company or be in a band. Claim you are friends with the singer from Shai Hulud.
    18) Tell people you work in the music industry.
    19) More Ankles people!
    20) Embrace everybody in the scene except for those people who are not you.
    21) Refer to bands as old school or new school then act tough again.
    22) Pretend that you get Dillinger Escape plan.
    23) Shop at second hand stores and then go buy expensive shoes.
    24) Beat people up and then go to bible study class.
    25) Smoking and drinking and having sex before marriage is too trendy. Real hardcore tough guys abstain.
    26) Whatever you do, don't let the singer on stage ever sing in the mic. Make sure you grab it from him and sing in it yourself, after all, you do a better job singing then him. It's a wonder they didn't put you on the album.
    27) Start your own hardcore band.
    28) Have your logo resemble some random 80's product for nostalgia.
    29) Talk about the scene any chance you get. Say as many obscure hardcore bands from NJ as possible.
    30) If you are shy start an emo band so you don't have to look at the audience.
    31) People who know more bands than you are better than you.
    32) Add the Letter X before and after important words. XhardcorekidX XmoshfuckX
    33) Never say "Did you hear the new Strung Out?" Unless you are attempting to be funny in which case stop it because hardcore kids are tough not funny.
    34) It's merch not Merchandise.
    35) Hardcore girls must wear head bands at all times.
    36) Stretch your ears out to look more intimidating.
    37) The bigger you stretch you ears out the more hardcore you are.
    38) Your ear should be stretched out enough to accommodate a block of wood, a hubcap or a penis.
    39) People in the front row are best used as a ladder/staircase to reach your goal... steal the mic away from the singer.
    40) When people ask you if you like a band always say "I only like the old stuff" or "I haven't really gotten into the new stuff."
    41) Buy all of that bands merch.
    42) Wear your new merch at the next hardcore show.
    43) Repeat steps 41 and 42
    44) If you have to wear glasses make sure they are thick, black framed ones.
    45) Don't tell anybody but make sure you try on your new vintage clothes and stud belt before heading out to see Poison the well.
    46) Never admit you don't like Hatebreed and go see them live 12 times a year.
    47) Complain that they are playing with Slayer but don't admit you actually like Slayer.
    48) Complain at all costs.
    49) Tag team hardcore dancing is cool
    50) Real hardcore kids are really struggling photographers.
    51) You don't go to hardcore concerts, you go to hardcore shows. BIG difference.
    52) Name your hardcore dance moves things like "The mother fuck" or "kick that guys ass move" or better yet... stay home and cry.
    53) Protect your body from swinging limbs by sacrificing your two arms.
    54) Scream about love.
    55) All age venues are important so you are not tempted to drink.
    56) Claim you know a guy who knows a guy whose best friend was standing next to the guy who got his ass kicked during Converge. Bash the hardcore scene and then go see The Get Up Kids.
    57) Anytime somebody mentions a band always say you know somebody in the band.
    58) Wear your pins with honour! Shai Hulud, American Nightmare, Minor Threat and the purple heart of valour.
    59) Velcro shoes are cool.
    60) Don't admit that you have a crush on the singer from Walls of Jericho. If somebody asks, say you respect her as a musician only.
    61) Your band name should contain one of the following words: Blood, Murder, Kill, Victim and butterfly.
    62) Print your band name as if it was on a bad printing press. Actual graphics are for posers.
    63) Sleep on a portrait painted prettier then everyone.
    64) 100 bands from around the world to play in your city. All of them are the world's best hardcore bands. Every label represented, every hardcore genre present. The venue is the best all-ages venue in the world. Tickets are $1.00. It is your job to go around saying the festival should be free.
    65) Record producers must make sure to pump the mid because mid is tough.
    66) Re-issue your demos after every album.
    67) When the band starts playing everybody join hands and make a big circle so we can watch the big kids play.
    68) Crying on stage makes you a professional.
    69) Complain some more.
    70) Album covers must be made at home on Photoshop by your good friend.
    71) If you are from New York NEVER smile in a promo pic. In fact always try to cross your arms and look into the camera as if you are going to beat up whom ever is looking.
    72) If you are from New Jersey NEVER smile in a promo pic either. In fact try to look like you just lost your girl friend to the hardcore band from New York.
    73) Never admit that Emo is Country music lyrics mixed with pop rock riffs and marketed by 17 year olds trying to make their friend be the next Dashboard Confessional.
    74) American Idol is your worst enemy. (But you voted for Ruben)
    75) You can get away with glitter on your face as long as your stretched ear plugs are clear.
    76) Fuck beer, Got breast milk?
    77) Bandanas are cool.
    78) Bandanas with big X on them are cooler.
    79) Bandanas with big X on them were cool last week you poser.
    80) Your best friend is a guy named XattackX from Jersey who you chat with on MSN everyday. He is coming to see you one day. Really.
    81) Chunky breakdowns in your songs are original and you should continue to do them despite every other band doing them which is clearly a rip off of your band.
    82) Judge other bands and always compare them to the socio-cultural effects of the band Integrity.
    83) Look up Socio-cultural in the dictionary and then get offended.
    84) Green Day is the real reason you are still alive.
    85) Describe your group of friends as "the scene" and then watch bootlegs of last weeks
    86) Obey the laws of the hardcore scene or forever be banished from the circle.
    87) When somebody asks you what is hardcore respond with "I am hardcore" then punch somebody in the face for looking at you wrong.
    88) Keep punching
    89) Kick a little too
    90) Punch
    91) Add a threat about their mother for good measure.
    92) Pretend you are won the fight then pickup your dismembered left arm.
    93) You are wearing the same thing as the 40-year old gas pump attendant but for some strange mystical reason you are cooler than he is.
    94) Tell everybody that Trustkill Records are too trendy.
    95) Did you stop acting tough? I saw you hug that teddy bear.
    96) Pierce you tits and tattoo your body.
    97) Straight bangs means straight-edge
    98) Being vegan means you can't swallow sperm.
    99) When in doubt Mock everything
    100) Take everything personally.
    101) Assume this list is about you
  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    i lol'd

    50 Ways To Annoy A Metalhead

    1. Tell them every metal band worships the devil.
    2. Ask if all black metal bands are trying to copy KISS or just most of them.
    3. Hide their joint under their library card.
    4. Ask if they know of any other cool bands like Slipknot.
    5. If they're listening to metal, tell them it sounds like some mainstream band. Doesn't matter who.
    6. Say it's all a ripoff of Iron Butterfly anyway.
    7. Ask if they've given their souls to Jesus yet.
    8. Vaguely imply that you're gay and would like their company for the evening.
    9. Record over their Cannibal Corpse albums with other Cannibal Corpse albums and see if they ever notice the difference.
    10. Refuse to accept their fake I.D.
    11. Ask how much Dio got paid for his role as Stuart Little.
    12. Use the phrase "cookie monster vocals" and act like it's the funniest, most original thing you've ever come up with.
    13. If they're listening to metal, tell them "These guys don't have talent. Now (insert any mainstream band here), those guys have talent!"
    14. Say "What is vinyl?"
    15. Point out how homosexual Manowar is. If they agree, tell them the only thing more homosexual is Black Sabbath with Dio.
    16. Tell them it all sounds the same.
    17. Admit that Cliff Burton was a dirty hippy who had already peaked musically.
    18. If they say they love 80s metal, ask them what ever happened to Poison.
    19. Tell them you like underground music too, like (insert the newest overhyped fashionable loud-ish band from the radio)
    20. Point out that Tarja from Nightwish can't sing.
    21. Insist that Emperor videos would be better if they used a dance troupe.
    22. Ask if Mayhem is Marilyn Manson's band.
    23. Divert their CD shipments to the local Jewish community center.
    24. Write "God Loves You" on their Venom backpatch.
    25. Point out that just about every genre of music has an underground with bands who have integrity, so metal really isn't that unique.
    26. Post under their nickname on a power metal board and say Ray Alder nutss all over John Arch.
    27. Take out the Iron Maiden disc and put in 50 Cent.
    28. Give them a spiky pop-punk haircut while they sleep.
    29. Pronounce "Celtic Frost" correctly.
    30. If they're over 25, say that people can still rock even if they have an unplanned child or two and drive a grocery getter. Then point and laugh.
    31. Tell them you're not hiring and to try the other Cinnabon down the street.
    32. Sit quietly and applaud politely at a metal show.
    33. Make them be sober for five whole seconds.
    34. Ask if Randy Rhoads was on the same flight as John Denver.
    35. Tell them Korn brought metal back to life in the 90s.
    36. Turn the bass way up on their stereo.
    37. Laugh at Slayer for stealing their name from the Buffy show.
    38. Call Doro fat.
    39. Call them on their horrible grammar and/or spelling.
    40. Remind them that metal is partially derived from the blues. Then accuse them of being wiggers.
    41. Use the phrase "balls in a vice" at least three times when talking about classic metal and/or power metal vocalists.
    42. If it's a guy with long hair, address him as if he were female. Don't correct yourself about it.
    43 .Be impressed with how much RoadRunner Records has improved over the past ten years.
    44. Say you love Metallica's debut, The Black Album.
    45. Notice that Lemmy hasn't moved his left hand in 30 years of playing bass.
    46. Refer to metal as "that kill-your-father rape-your-mother stuff."
    47. Ask them if their favorite band is so good, how come nobody has ever heard of them.
    48. Pine for the good old days when Pour Some Sugar On Me was a big hit.
    49. Tell them you used to be a metalhead, but grew out of it when you started listening to more intellectual stuff like (insert any band at all here)
    50. Post a list of "Ways To Annoy Metal Fans" knowing full well that so many of them internalize everything and can't take a joke.
    Deputy_Cheeze's Profile Page Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
  • KridesBrideBrittKridesBrideBritt Posts: 25,781 jayfacer
    Funny shit.
    kristianPhotobucketPhotobucket Trephination-Tuesday Nights/Wednesday Mornings...11pm-1am-
  • MikeMike Posts: 7,820 admin
    "Then accuse them of being wiggers."

    Sounds familiar.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • XenoXeno Posts: 21,071 master of ceremonies
    "Say you enjoy Metallica's debut album, The Black Album."

    I've actually had somebody think that before.
  • StratophonyStratophony Posts: 9,212 just the tip
    29. Pronounce "Celtic Frost" correctly.

    this one always gets me
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Kel tick frawst
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,339 mod
    "Call them on their horrible grammar and/or spelling. "
    Sounds familiar

  • TheDevilsDreadsTheDevilsDreads Posts: 1,625 just the tip
    "Call them on their horrible grammar and/or spelling. "
    Sounds familiar
    Just be happy that you didn't fuck anything up in that fragmented sentence.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,339 mod
    It wasn't supposed to be a sentence. <_>

  • TheDevilsDreadsTheDevilsDreads Posts: 1,625 just the tip
    One should always type in full sentences. It's grammatically correct!
  • Ace_Deputy_CheezeAce_Deputy_Cheeze Posts: 14,736 jayfacer
    edited November 2010
    the black metal one at the bottom of that site has "dont be Dani Filth" a few times.

    EDIT: the Power Metal one is pretty funny too.
    Deputy_Cheeze's Profile Page Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    101 Rules of Hardcore

    60) Don't admit that you have a crush on the singer from Walls of Jericho. If somebody asks, say you respect her as a musician only.
    lawl so true
  • NolaFree810NolaFree810 Posts: 36,796 moneytalker
    15. Point out how homosexual Manowar is. If they agree, tell them the only thing more homosexual is Black Sabbath with Dio.

    lol i still agree
  • rammstein516rammstein516 Posts: 3,720 juggalo
    I have to add one to the ways to piss off a Metalhead. Say Dimebag Darrel was a mediocre guitarist.
  • cheech9_4offcheech9_4off Posts: 942 just the tip
    I have to add one to the ways to piss off a Metalhead. Say Dimebag Darrel was a mediocre guitarist.
    he was better than mediocre but still the most overrated
  • EpisodeEpisode Posts: 32,049 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I have to add one to the ways to piss off a Metalhead. Say Dimebag Darrel was a mediocre guitarist.
    I'll DESTROY you motherfucker!
  • Razor_SharkRazor_Shark Posts: 12,604 balls deep
    I have to add one to the ways to piss off a Metalhead. Say Dimebag Darrel was a mediocre guitarist.
    That shouldn't piss anyone off.
  • sbs_willsbs_will Posts: 18,648 salt miner
    101 Rules of Black Metal
    1. Don't be gay.
    2. Be "true".
    3. All people who aren't "true" are gay.
    4. Be grim.
    5. Be necro.
    6. Be simultaneously grim and necro if at all possible.
    7. Break things while being grim and necro.
    8. Don't have fun at concerts. Stand around with arms crossed.
    9. Repeat all above while denouncing organized religion in any form.
    10. Never ever, EVER under ANY circumstances...
    11. ...Listen to Peccatum.
    12. When someone asks you if you enjoy the music of Mayhem, point out that you only enjoy the music of "the true" Mayhem. Maniac is gay.
    13. Don't play with fuzzy things, excepting that by "play" you mean "burn".
    14. Don't be Dani Filth.
    15. Never, ever, under any circumstances utter the phrase "Kenny G slams, man."
    16. Don't be Dani Filth.
    17. When your mom tells you to take out the garbage tell her that you're too metal to remove refuse.
    18. Don´t pronounce words that silly as Attila did on Mayhem´s "DeMysterriis..." (Fffffuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeerrrrrrrrraaaaal Fog)
    19. Sodomize a virgin whore.
    20. Sodomize anything that is not male. (Fuzzy things look out!)
    21. Make sure your album goes out of print about 3years after its release... so it becomes 'cult'.
    22. When in doubt, say "True Norwegian Black Metal!"
    23. If that doesn't work, blast beats can fill any silence.
    24. Turn any cross you find upside-down.
    25. Nipple twisting is not a black metal activity..
    26. Write a cult, underground, grim and necro zine. Feature only interviews with bands no one has heard of, even "true" blackmetallers.
    27. Never ever, EVER, EVER be open-minded.
    28. Never write songs less than 15 minutes long and containing less than15adjectives in the title.
    29. a) paint face. b) go in woods. c) act like a troll.
    30. Don't be Mortiis (or Dani Filth).
    31. Don't wear white shoes after Labor Day.
    32. Don't make jokes only your mom would get.
    33. Don't make jokes.
    34. When in doubt, scowl with eyes down turned.
    35. Don't eat Marshmellow Peeps.
    36. To producers of black metal albums: low end! If it doesn't hurt to listen to, it can't be "true".
    37. Make sure that no less than half of the musicians on your album are "session" members.
    38. When in concert, always growl names of songs so that they are imperceptible. This will ensure that anyone who doesn't have your "cult" LP won't get it.
    39. Never play live.
    40. When getting ready to go to a show, completely forget that the other people there are not going to the show to look atyou.
    41. Use barbed wire whenever possible. (Note: this assists in being both "necro" and "grim".)
    42. When asked by a non true BMer what BM is, say something like, "BM is the raw essence of pure black evil in man", in anycase, make sure that by the conversations end, the other person still has no idea what black metal is.
    43. Drive one of your band members to suicide, and claim he died because of the "mainstream" "infecting" the "scene".
    44. Reform with "old members" and release an album intended to produce commercial success.
    45. When it flops say that you meant it to fail cause anything less wouldn't be "true".
    46. Have a side project. Ensure that all other members of your band also have side projects.
    47. Fill out the other slots in your other member's side projects as "session" musicians.
    48. Record everything in the same studio with the same producer/instruments/equipment/etc.
    49. Make sure your album cover never consists of more than three colors (color options allowed: grey, black, white).
    50. Publicly state that your band is "non-religious", then use the word "Satan" over 400 times on your one-song thirty-minute album.
    51. Never stuff your shoes to make them appear puffy and avoid the wearing of backwards baseball caps if at all possible. Red ones in particular.
    52. Insist that music should never progress and that it should still sound the same way it did 9 friggin years ago.
    53. Never say "friggin".
    54. Never finish anything you start.
    55. The word "Hail" is the only appropriate greeting whenever greeting someone "true".
    56. If feeling especially true on a given occasion, try "Infernal Hails".
    57. All logos must include illegible writing and at least one inverted cross and/or pentagram. This is non-negotiable.
    58. When referring to sex with a Metal Chick use only the terminology "sticking my clouded frost-spire into her gates of attrition".
    59. Design complex logo for your grim black metal band on binder paper in the middle of math class.
    60. Accept every interview you're offered... then pretend that you really don't enjoy being interviewed.
    61. Thoroughly enjoy Star Trek: The NextGeneration.
    62. Wait... scratch that last one. (See rule 1)
    63. Never divulge to any outsiders the Exact Day of the Divine Arrival of the Massive Hoof. Instead, inform them that they should be ready to suck the Dark Lord's greasy @#%$ at any time.
    64. Use the phrase "suck the dark lord's greasy@#%$" whenever possible.
    65. If you ever find that you have somehow become a member of Hecate Enthroned, be sure to piece together a music video of scrap footage of yourself walking around in the woods at night looking evil. Only, instead of being night make sure it's the middle of the@#%$ day, and instead of looking evil, look dorky instead. (See also: rule1)
    666. Own hundreds of black metal albums, demos and bootlegs. Listen to approximately 8 of them regularly.
    67. Humping a ceramic Virgin Mary in front of your uncle's house is not "pimping it" (unless you tell her you're done then blow in her face like a shotgun when she turns around).
    68. Refrain from using keyboard smilies when communicating via the Internet. Single acceptable smiley: -(
    69. Why isn't the word "Northern" in your album title yet!? Get to it! Amateurs...
    70. Spelling things correctly is neither grim nornecro.
    71. Norsk Arysk Blak Metal! Rahhh!!
    72. No matter where you're from, pretend you're from Norway and therefore 'true'.
    73. Don't be Dani Filth. (I think that's clear)
    74. All pets you own now will henceforth be known as "Crucifier". Any pets you own in the future will also be known as "Crucifier".
    75. True black metaller: "Many of our dark hymns are influenced by the mighty Tolkien... You have not read the works of Tolkien!? Nerd. Wait a minute... It appears I am the nerdy one after all!"
    76. @#%$, I'm talking to myself again.
    77. Norsk Arysk Blak Metal! Rahhh!!
    78. That's better, on with the interview!
    80. Create inverted crosses in all possible instances. Suggested tools: Drum sticks, twigs, pool cues, pencils, etc. (See also "clouded frost spire")
    81. Profess publicly that you are a Satanist and add that you are in touch with Norway's ancient Pagan past. Pretend that somehow those two facts make sense in conjunction.
    82. Stick your dick in the mashed potatoes.
    83. Don't make Beastie Boys references.
    84. Don't make references.
    85. Satanus. Huh huh huhuhuhuh.
    86. Huhuhuhuhuhuhuh.
    87. If possible, design the title of your album so that it consists of three completely unrelated words. Dimmu Borgir are the master of this (i.e.Enthrone Darkness Triumphant, Spiritual Black Dimensions, Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia, Godless Savage Garden) but you mayalso want to refer to Immortal's "Diabolical Fullmoon Mysticism".
    88. As we all know, women have no place in the homoerotic world of black metal, but if your girl friend still won't stop bugging you about wanting to be involved in your band, give her a lame spoken word part orsomething.
    89. Never form a band containing you, your wife and/or girlfriend, and some gay looking guy. (See also: rule 11)
    90. Go to bed when your mom tells you to.
    91. If it's rare, it must be good. Order itimmediately.
    92. I will not add that as it is not metal enough.
    93. Are you metal enough to be reading this?
    94. Own every Darkthrone release. Listen to exactly none of them.
    95. Own cult-as-@#%$ shirts of bands you not only own no releases of, but also haven't even heard.
    96. Use the phrase "cult-as-@#%$" wheneverpossible.
    97. Attempt to randomly throw the word "@#%$"during random segments of your songs. (Kindly refer to Attilla's work on DeMysteriis DomSathanas.)
    98. In order to make your recording more incomprehensible and therefore more "cult", be sure to either select a singer who has only a tenuous grasp on the language to be sung. (Acceptable languages: Norwegian, Latin, Orcish.)
    99. I'll tell you what your album lay out needs...Some titties.
    100. And you know what else? How long since you acted like a troll? Pickup that makeup and fight, soldier!
    101. You mean to tell me you read this whole thing when you could have been prancing about in the forest with an axe? For shame! For shaaaaame!!
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    35. Don't eat Marshmellow Peeps.

    I will never be black metal :(
    I love winning with women
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