The preacher man says it's the end of time, he says that America's rivers are going dry...
Foundation Trilogy by Asimov, Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, the Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson & Shea, Narnia (not sure why I have that one, to be honest), and a few others. And a comprehensive History of England by Macauley.
Won't be attending Mayhem this year.
Will GY!BE write another album? Will Maburak flee to Saudi Arabia like every other middle eastern banished dictator? What are your aspirations in life?
Who? Yes Funions. - Best concert you've been to? Worst concert you've been to? Your ultimate metal concert? (up to 5 bands - Bands that are still together)
will you remember me when I'm out making phat beatz? will you remember me when I'm out making solo one man ambient black metal projects? will you remember me if I sell out?
Not really. Closest thing to collecting is keeping all of my concert tickets. 101.7 the Fox KXFX. But Britt's is giving it some competition, Some MP3s fro Spanish class
Do you like Jazz? Favorite form of moshing? Favorite poster you've got?
22 mph
How will I die?
Do you have a job? what is it?
Biggest douche on this forum?
Nope, unless you count DJing...
Did you get an candy on Monday?
What are your plans today?
Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
going to eyehategod/miseryindex tonight!
what are you wearing right now?
whats did you eat for breakfast?
whats the next show youre going to?
Eating pasta right now for breakfast
Technically, band Forlorn Path in the WRSU studio
Do you like Rugrats?
Favorite TV show?
Did you like "Black Gives Way to Blue"?
It's always sunny in philadelphia
What happens next?
Do you own any "box sets"? which ones?
Band least interested in watching at Mayhem this year?
Foundation Trilogy by Asimov, Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, the Illuminatus! trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson & Shea, Narnia (not sure why I have that one, to be honest), and a few others. And a comprehensive History of England by Macauley.
Won't be attending Mayhem this year.
Will GY!BE write another album?
Will Maburak flee to Saudi Arabia like every other middle eastern banished dictator?
What are your aspirations in life?
Best concert you've been to?
Worst concert you've been to?
Your ultimate metal concert? (up to 5 bands - Bands that are still together)
Bon Jovi
Iron Maiden, Tool, Dark Tranquillity, Opeth, and Nevermore
What are you wearing?
When is the last time you had sex?
Name a famous person you'd love to meet?
saturday night
Ozzy Osbourne
What was the last drug you did? legal or illegal?
who was the last person you called a fucking asshole?
whooz your least favorite forumer?
This dude who made a smartass comment in my shop class.
The fake natty.
Any reggae for you?
How about blues?
Are you a stoner?
Not really, no.
Are you a tweaker?
Are you a prima donna?
What knd of fone do u haz/
Nokia flip phone \m/
Are you brvtal?
Are you kvlt?
Are you tr00?
fvck yea
fvck yea
will you remember me when I'm out making phat beatz?
will you remember me when I'm out making solo one man ambient black metal projects?
will you remember me if I sell out?
Do you like Post-Rock?
You a theif?
Opinions on Death Magnetic?
I did not particularly care for it
Favorite thrash album?
Do you collect vinyl records?
Best thing that has happned to you this week?
Starting to, yes.
I know seeing the boyfriend on Friday will be the best thing that'll happen to me this week.
Do you collect anything?
Favorite radio station?
Last thing you saved on your computer?
101.7 the Fox KXFX. But Britt's is giving it some competition,
Some MP3s fro Spanish class
Do you like Jazz?
Favorite form of moshing?
Favorite poster you've got?
don't really mosh anymore. there's different forms?
Don't really have any posters, but I have some cool framed sports memorabilia
favorite kind of seafood?
favorite Anthrax album?
have you ever skinny dipped?
Among The Living
Yez -_-
Most "evil" band you listen to?
Favorite non-metal band?
Favorite metal sub genre?
Weezer or Nirvana
Probably thrash
Do you hump faces?
Isn't it strange that as soon as you're born you're dying?
Favorite dinosaur?