Yes, its a good show. I didnt see any episodes from this season though. Daniel Tosh Chocolate Chip!
Favorite breakfast cereal? Whats your favorite christmas special of anything? Do you remember that Pepsi Holiday Spice that was around a few years ago? I drank that stuff by the keg
Yes to all of those. Never had the count chocula though
Do you remember how nice the 90's were? Do you remember how awesome gak and floam were? Do you remember when you didn't have to care about bills and things?
Hell no, fuck that.
Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1
Whats the last video game you BOUGHT?
Do you like playing classic nintendo/sega games?
What are you getting me for christmas?
A scarf that doesn't look gay on you...ah shit, I guess I'm not getting you anything.
CSI? (not the spinoffs)
Favorite comedian?
Favorite pop tart flavor?
Yes, its a good show. I didnt see any episodes from this season though.
Daniel Tosh
Chocolate Chip!
Favorite breakfast cereal?
Whats your favorite christmas special of anything?
Do you remember that Pepsi Holiday Spice that was around a few years ago? I drank that stuff by the keg
Scrubs Christmas episode
Yeah, it was different...that's for sure.
Favorite color?
Napalm Death?
Water or juice?
Sure why not
Depends on the juice.
Do you remember oreo o's? :-(
Do you remember Count Chocula? :-((
Do you remember when Trix had fruit shaped pieces and not circles?
Do you remember how nice the 90's were?
Do you remember how awesome gak and floam were?
Do you remember when you didn't have to care about bills and things?
Lol forgot about that stuff
Yes. What happened to those days?
Whats with this water?
Wheres your holiday spirit?
Are you a scrooge?!
waiting for me after the holidays
what was the highlight of your weekend?
did you ever loose any teeth> how?
favorite movie?
Zack And Miri Make A Porno/Step Brothers/Anger Management.
Do you give a fuck?
Have you EVER gave a fuck?
Will you soon be giving a fuck in the near to distant future?
Probably in college.
What was the last alcoholic beverage you drank?
What is your favorite band?
How long have you been a member of the mayhem forums?
Pink Floyd
around 2 years
whos your favorite band to see live?
what was the last thing you ate?
when was the last time you got laid?
About an hour ago
What are you watching right now?
Do you have anything to do today?
Is there anything you want/need that you can't get/have?
How old are you?
Do you have plenty money?
Do you care about Tron?
No, my bank account just got closed for lack there of.
Yeah. I can't wait to see it.
Blinds or curtains?
Do you wear glasses?
How long have you been awake?
Nope... Just to read
2 hours+
What color should I make driveway for this old lady?
Longest you've gone working on something? (non-stop)
prolly close to 20 hrs after i abused some adderalls
bowl of cereal
if you could kick one forumer in the face, who would it be?
what sports team do you hate the most?
soup or salad?
All of them except Central Michigan University.
Depends on what kind of soup and what the main course is.
What are your christmas plans?
Would you prefer a cola or lemon-lime pop?
(If girl) Will you marry me? (If guy) Where do you buy your clothes?
Coke. -_-
I might...if I knew you? Haha
Favorite tv channel?
Do you wear perfume/cologne (if so, what kind)?
Sour candy or chocolate?