Sweet n Sour Pork Neither - I'm too old to have experienced either of them Tame Iti and John Minto - google them.Two shit stirring complaining, political activists who protest about everything.Fucking cocksuckers
Countries you've visited? Favourite Actor? Person you'd most like to meet?
America FUCK YEAH! Leonardo DiCaprio My first born child
What kind of pets do you have? Whats the closest thing to you thats orange? If you were on a date with someone you really liked, would you tell them if they had something in their teeth or just ignore it?
Neither - I'm too old to have experienced either of them
Tame Iti and John Minto - google them.Two shit stirring complaining, political activists who protest about everything.Fucking cocksuckers
Countries you've visited?
Favourite Actor?
Person you'd most like to meet?
Leonardo DiCaprio
My first born child
What kind of pets do you have?
Whats the closest thing to you thats orange?
If you were on a date with someone you really liked, would you tell them if they had something in their teeth or just ignore it?
My 2009 Fantasy Football trophy (gold, but close enough to orange)
Tell them, wouldnt want to be eating it later :-))
How often do you watch SportsCenter?
Any ideas for your Halloween costume this year?
Have you actually listened to Tyler the Creator?
Ash Ketchum
Yes. I like the beats in Yonkers and Sandwiches. That's about it.
Favorite breakfast pastry?
Should prostitution be legalized?
What did you most hate about the VMAs?
I don't plan on ever using the services, so I really don't care.
I only watched the first hour, so I'd have to say...that first hour.
College or high school?
What time do you wake up in the morning?
How do you like your steak cooked?
about 8:30-9:30
Testament or Slayer?
orange or grape soda?
favorite food?
Fav tv show?
Long or short hair?
Corn or broccoli?
yogurt or ice cream?
favorite sammich?
DO you like this song?
What's your musical guilty pleasure?
What time do you normally go to bed?
Where do you work?
i'll listen to it, jeeze
After 2
Nowhere right now
Play an instrument?
Can you put your foot behind your head?
Water or soda?
Favorite boy band?
George Harrison or Paul McCartney?
Do you read any magazines?
Who do you hate?
Favorite non-metal band? (any genre not considered metal)
What songs do you like to fuck to?
How many albums have you listened to that were released from this year?
Least favorite kind of vocal style?
What makes something heavy?
Turning it up to 11!!
Favorite brand of guitar?
Favorite of the big 4?
Wayne's World or Beavis & Butthead?