So my brother several months back was sending me the most disgusting pictures he could find I told him I could beat him every time and did with pictures of blue waffle and the dude that ripped his face off while on drugs. Today he sends me one of a guy fucking a split open cadaver. It looks completely photo shopped but I think I can come up with something to top it. However I am on my phone and it would take forever to search through websites to find a picture.
Stupid game I know but I must win.
So if you all could post the most nasty horrific disgusting things you can find online in this thread to help me out it would be much appreciated. I know you all can come up with something.
(please no pictures of Bianca or Erik, thank you)
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
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Those are just a few, go here if you want more.