We should have elections for certain positions of the year around December...
We usually do.
Just reminding everyone....I guess. I remember them last year but didn't participate because when I had joined I wasn't really a regular until maybe September
We started planning this months ago. The copyright troll, WIPO, everything was apart of it. To the mods, I apologize for removing you from the admins, but you're back on. This was all in good fun.
Damn, he was legit. I didn't read the first few pages. There were a few things that sounded trollish, but you guys had so much shit backing it up, I couldn't help but believe it was true.
why i am pissed is that the whole thing where Mike was going to demod Ed was all an act. no integrity at all....
What do you mean?
when Ed did something that me, jacob and primal didnt see and you were asking us to vote to suspend Ed as Mod. i know not to take anything you say seriously, figuring you guys suck each off
Some of our behind the scenes chatting.
There were a few things that sounded trollish, but you guys had so much shit backing it up, I couldn't help but believe it was true.
I'm from South Africa. Negro dancing is what I do.
Fucking sellout
Money talks
EDIT: then the right handed hook.