Bleed By Meshuggah being added to Rock Band! :O! Didn't know about it 'til tonight. Of course I bought it right away. Drum track is RIDICULOUS. I beat Guitar on Expert, but it got boring and my hand cramped up because it's that same triplet pattern the entire song, going really fast.
Also, doing Crab Core in my living room, with a plastic Guitar in my hands, playing Stick Stickly on RB = Win. Lolz.
P.S. The Techno part on Drums was hard and made me fail the first time. Had to take it to practice mode for a few times, and now I can ace it 100%. FUCK YEA.
It's been on RB for as long as I can remember, at least on Live it has.
Holy fucking Christ I feel like a Goddamn champion right now. Just beat Bleed on Drums on Expert on Rock Band. That was insanely fucking hard and punishing to complete. My foot was on fucking fire.
Also, Cheese; film dat Sodom nigguh.
I came.