1) You could save it! (BOO!) 2) every musician needs a sketchy $500 van 3) recording gear 4) get a sweet new (probably used) axe 5) go on a pawn shop scavenger hunt 6) get some bitchin stage threads 7) fucking lasers dude 8) a good clean hooker 9) a couple dirty hookers 10) a big pile of drugs 11) smaller pile of drugs and a dirty hooker 12) speakers n shit 13) portable record player 14) invest in snakes 15) browse Craigslist? 16) get a fog machine 17) get a few zips and still fog people out 18) buy a big ass banner 19) just gonna say hooker again 20) hooker
I forgot..... you live in Cali. Can't you go to the swap meet or something? Going to "the swap meet" would be would be the shit lol.
Don't overlook pawn shops either. Most of them have some pretty decent gear, most musicians are also broke as fuck. Nothing like starting off with somebody else's broken dreams for a decent buck.
The Chinese have a mech now.
This brings to total to 4 along side:
The U.S.
The Japanese
and the Koreans
1) You could save it! (BOO!)
2) every musician needs a sketchy $500 van
3) recording gear
4) get a sweet new (probably used) axe
5) go on a pawn shop scavenger hunt
6) get some bitchin stage threads
7) fucking lasers dude
8) a good clean hooker
9) a couple dirty hookers
10) a big pile of drugs
11) smaller pile of drugs and a dirty hooker
12) speakers n shit
13) portable record player
14) invest in snakes
15) browse Craigslist?
16) get a fog machine
17) get a few zips and still fog people out
18) buy a big ass banner
19) just gonna say hooker again
20) hooker
What's on Craigslist right now?
Did you even consider the hookers?
If I want it to be legal I'd have to go all the way to Nevada lol
Going to "the swap meet" would be would be the shit lol.
Don't overlook pawn shops either. Most of them have some pretty decent gear, most musicians are also broke as fuck. Nothing like starting off with somebody else's broken dreams for a decent buck.