Still the only musician to personally come up to me after his set(s) and ask about my photos of him, and honestly just one of the most all around awesome dudes to bullshit around and talk with. Best of the best.
Finally got my White Denim preorder. It has a sweet ass textured cover. Came with a White Denim knockoff zippo, some guitar picks, a stash box and I signed posted for being one of the first 50 orders.
Twitter taught Microsoft's AI Twitter bot to be extremely racist and praise Hitler, etc. Microsoft now has to scramble to delete racist tweets from a bot that tweets many times a second.
But seriously, Corpse killed it as always. George is an awesome dude, as always.
Met dave lombardo in tasty burger
Neat regardless
Twitter taught Microsoft's AI Twitter bot to be extremely racist and praise Hitler, etc. Microsoft now has to scramble to delete racist tweets from a bot that tweets many times a second.
It's a rocket league, ufc2 and marijuana kinda day.