Also probably getting another job in addition to the being a counselor/lifeguard. Have an interview with Domino's tomorrow morning to be a driver. Wanted to be an Uber driver but I have to wait until next semester.
You're not even exaggerating. All we had were cases from this place called Nebraska Beef and literally everything from them sucks. Chuck roast is woat like they don't cut it right or something. Our DC doesn't send us shit from them too often.
Fucking awful. The comment talking about how grohl should have done vocals...Dude not even him, I'm pretty sure they could have grabbed anybody from the crowd and they would have sounded better.
Something about that ho sends shivers down my spine
how will Todd's team counter?
Next week on episode 3
todds team counters
stay tuned
You're not even exaggerating. All we had were cases from this place called Nebraska Beef and literally everything from them sucks. Chuck roast is woat like they don't cut it right or something. Our DC doesn't send us shit from them too often.
Rich hypocrite sluts with big mouths and bad tempers>>>>>