No official date, but it was August 23rd last year. It seems like it'll be October this year, though. Last year was awesome, had Pelican, Bongripper, Weekend Nachos, Sannhet, Storm Of Light, Black Tusk, Magrudergrind, Phobia etc
I dont see EW coming back soon, which is why Idont know if theyd be doing psycho next year, even though theyre the obvious perfect fit. Im pretty sure sunn and intronaut will be on it and maybe neurosis... but if southern darkness is in october then there obviously wont be any link between the artists playing anyway.
Thanks to Alex and the catz person for pointing out to me how cheap and tiny bluetooth transmitters are. Now my car is covered. Although a new problem if not being able to pull on the cord to find my phone has been presented
I was on my home from work cranking some Seasons in the Abyss and he pulls up at the light next to me. I could see he was having trouble hearing his radio because of the loudness of some good ol' fashion Slayer. He's pressing the mic into his ear and he kept looking over at me with an irritated face. He motions for me to turn it down and I turned it up ) he flipped me off and sped off the second that light hit green.