Cool? I don't even know how Tinder works. Its an app to pick up sluts. 0. Just saying, given her reaction and lack of straight forward response she either isn't interested, or just wants to use him. But more power to ya if it becomes something.
Im not giving advice at all. I'm saying Tinder is fucking stupid. And as someone who is forever stuck in every girls friendzone, I know early signs of it happening.
Xeno bout to be the king of getting dome from fat tinder chicks.
Don't know if I posted but the first one I got dome from picked me up and we went to her apartment in Maine last weekend. Found out masturbation > sex with fat chicks
>has tried to ask 2 girls out
you don't gotta throw the towel in so easy breh
regardless. there's no point in me trying an further.
>Talks shit.