lets fucking gooooooooooooooooooo! not even irate anymore. at the beginning of the semester they only had the more expensive book for one of my classes and it was like 300 bucks but they sold it to our class for the less expensive one for like 120. just took it back and since they thought it was the more expensive book i got 105 bucks! \m/
Let your dick guide you, MC.
For @MetalCrusades
yeah I'll never wear sun screen again
who wears sunscreen?
I'm on a forum full of 'em, and I haven't heard any good advice yet.
we give the best advice: kill yourself
I stand corrected.
MC is finally going through puberty.
Its a bit weird though. Usually you get the boners before the beard.
Im not all bonered though.
i hope you get wacked.
fuck collage is a rip off
I'm praying he was kidding