WHAT THE FUCK!? They didnt play that when I saw them last week :-<
At least the other two times Ive seen them they did. They also played And The Great Cold Death of The Earth for the first time in Chicago ever last week.
WHAT THE FUCK!? They didnt play that when I saw them last week :-<
At least the other two times Ive seen them they did. They also played And The Great Cold Death of The Earth for the first time in Chicago ever last week.
Right before their encore i went and grabbed a shirt, and as their merch guy handed it to me the started Falling Snow up and he had this look like "Wait, what? They're playing this?".
It's apparently the first show on the tour where they played it.
Also, i have never seen so many goth chicks in one place than at the Agalloch show.
There was also this one guy who was hammered/stoned out of his mind, he was dancing back and forth with himself, and would occasionally stop to sip his beer or smoke his hookah pen. Was pretty weird, but funny.
Wait, you mean the alternative band The Weekend, or are you talking about someone else?
I feel legitimately happy for the first time in I can't even remember.
I'll wait for you to end your life before I ever answer that. #-O
he shoulda named it Monday instead of the weekend cuz Monday fucking sucks
A1 post brah. =D>
WHAT THE FUCK!? They didnt play that when I saw them last week :-<
At least the other two times Ive seen them they did. They also played And The Great Cold Death of The Earth for the first time in Chicago ever last week.
So ESPN posted this on Facebook and I'm dying.
Clint Dempsey dat nigga \m/
They posted this one a few days ago
Deceased @ Lil Jon.
Right before their encore i went and grabbed a shirt, and as their merch guy handed it to me the started Falling Snow up and he had this look like "Wait, what? They're playing this?".
It's apparently the first show on the tour where they played it.
Also, i have never seen so many goth chicks in one place than at the Agalloch show.
There was also this one guy who was hammered/stoned out of his mind, he was dancing back and forth with himself, and would occasionally stop to sip his beer or smoke his hookah pen. Was pretty weird, but funny.