I actually remember the night I first had an ice. I got white girl wasted because I didnt realize how easy they were to power through. all I knew is that it tasted like a liquid icee and were easy as shit to drink. drank the whole mini fridge of them.
One time I went to this party and I kept going back to this fridge for a bottle.. Ended up drinking the whole thing ) now my good buddies live there haha
Just balled wit my boys at the gym, able to slap the rim now from a standing jump. No doubt because of how much heavier I'm squatting now. Won't be long before I can dunk that shit.
As I said, Im'ma buy an iMac, which means saving the entirety of my next 2-3 checks, and basically living broke until it's out of the way. However, obviously to do that ASAP, I need more hours and bigger checks. So I wanted 2 5 day weeks on each check, or a 5/4 split at the very least. Not only did I get that, but the 2nd 3rd shift motherfucker quit a couple days ago, so I got 6 days. The 1 day that I had off, my boss scheduled the baker to do 3rd shift. He hates working wit customers and was so irate about it that he was threatening to quit ( ) ) so my boss asked if I would mind working that day. Needless to say, no days off this week and a 7 day schedule. Check is gonna be my biggest by a fucking mile. 16 hours of paid overtime on it. Easily gonna crack $800. $-)
you guys ever have teachers that act all hard ass and bitchy on paper for participation, assignments and research requirements, but are really soft as charmin?
Ive participated maybe six times this whole semester on our class discussion page, and my instructor keeps threatening us how anyone who hasnt participated "heavily, as in weekly" will not receive full points
I actually remember the night I first had an ice. I got white girl wasted because I didnt realize how easy they were to power through. all I knew is that it tasted like a liquid icee and were easy as shit to drink. drank the whole mini fridge of them.
didnt even know the host.
still dont.
Why do you even care lol
I don't.
One time I went to this party and I kept going back to this fridge for a bottle.. Ended up drinking the whole thing
) now my good buddies live there haha
They literally will not stop bringing me shots lol. I'm gonna go out there for a bit though, they said they have a couple others coming over.
I cant wait to see drunk threads from this kid
FF you're the biggest faggot ever.
Damn! Monicaa outta nowhere with the hammer
Just balled wit my boys at the gym, able to slap the rim now from a standing jump. No doubt because of how much heavier I'm squatting now. Won't be long before I can dunk that shit.
you should try out for the bulls
Hearts Alive \m/
p good.
Rex irate
Goddamn the boy got blessed.
As I said, Im'ma buy an iMac, which means saving the entirety of my next 2-3 checks, and basically living broke until it's out of the way. However, obviously to do that ASAP, I need more hours and bigger checks. So I wanted 2 5 day weeks on each check, or a 5/4 split at the very least. Not only did I get that, but the 2nd 3rd shift motherfucker quit a couple days ago, so I got 6 days. The 1 day that I had off, my boss scheduled the baker to do 3rd shift. He hates working wit customers and was so irate about it that he was threatening to quit (
) ) so my boss asked if I would mind working that day. Needless to say, no days off this week and a 7 day schedule. Check is gonna be my biggest by a fucking mile. 16 hours of paid overtime on it. Easily gonna crack $800. $-)
my dad bought Waffle Crisp \m/
Havent had it in forever
you guys ever have teachers that act all hard ass and bitchy on paper for participation, assignments and research requirements, but are really soft as charmin?
Ive participated maybe six times this whole semester on our class discussion page, and my instructor keeps threatening us how anyone who hasnt participated "heavily, as in weekly" will not receive full points
just checked, got full credit.