Man I love days like today. Days that are dope as fuck out of absolutely nowhere. Ended up tripping my ass off wit 4 other niggas, one of which had a straight up bad trip, creating a movie like scenario for like an hour straight. Now I'm coming down from the trip, still feeling great, about to head to a house party for my boy's birthday. Gonna get too fucked up. I live for this shit man Goddamn.
The one nigga was on a nasty bad trip. Was kinda scary at some points to be honest. Just kept repeating "What the fuck is going on? Why am I here?" And was seemingly unaware of any of us being around him. Just locked in a bad trip. Then his best friend starts crying and blaming himself for dude being on a bad trip. )
Idk what the fuck was wrong wit that nigga. He didn't take any more than us. I actually had the biggest dose. 3 tabs, then him and another were on 2, and the other 2 were on 1. And it wasn't no bunk shit cause we all would have reacted. Some niggas just can't handle their drugs I guess.
Or were u thinking you'd like to eat Barbie out?
Show was awesome \m/
also fuck people that have bad trips. fuck them hard.