Fuck this is gonna be nuts. Just calculated the dose of these 2 bottles and it's 720mg. Im'ma hit 3rd plateau no fucking question. This'll be the first time. Wish me luck boys.
Lol me and my friends do two bottles every time. We've done two with a third later in the night a couple times haha my friend walked into Kroger tripping shit and bought two bottles and then talked to the cashier about medicine abuse
Idk I think I'm done wit syrup for a while. I take it mainly at this point for what I'm able to do musically while on it, but 720 had me fucking STUCK, I couldn't do jack shit and I was just sitting there stationary zoning my ass off. And then one bottle barely does anything to me anymore so that's basically useless. I wonder if I'm close to the "50 trip limit". :-S
One bottle give me an intense high, but can also induce some kind of weird tripping. I've only done it once but that was my last trip so it's not like my body hadn't done it before. But yeah it's been a little over a month since my last trip. Have you ever taken a shower in the dark with some music blasting? Unfuckinggodly. I haven't read into the shit much, just from what my friends told me...which at first was that after 10 it wasn't much anymore. But then my friend told me it was around 20. Whatever, I know the three of us are all around 10-13 a piece. I'm really hoping I find a mushroom hookup before I find out for sure what the DXM trip limit is. That achievement in its own does not sound like anything to brag about haha
When I was a kid I made a cigarette from paper
Shit was nasty
But my one lung still works perfectly fine
:-O @-) \m/
Song fucking blows though.
The song is what it's supposed to be a catchy punk song. Nick Jett rules doe.
It sounds like Chad Kroeger got bored during his lunch break.
I thought you were talking about the chick from BG you banged at first