Some hot teacher in Philly got her pussy wet over some student and plowed him in the parking lot \m/ ... Just got arrested doe. Should be givin the Nobel peace prize n shit.
I had a couple bangable teachers. I'm pretty sure my 8th grade english teacher wanted the D from someone. She would wear short ass skirts and these knee high boots boots. I obviously didnt mind but i was like damn the principal dont give a shit that she's dressing like this?
i had a few teachers that could def recieve the cock... but now when i go to my wifes school where she works for some function, half the staff are straight dimes in there 20's... im like wtf my generation got stuck with all the old haggard bitches and now they passed on and all this young hot gash are teachin kids. fuck.
just think of how frequently these whores get caught... just imagine all the dudes who arent straight bitches and keep their mouth shut and dont snitch. this prolly happens on the reg.
We got Lebanese Cucumber and Cherry Tomato
They're a bitch to roll doe
Absolutely Prolly thought you were holdin
"The Sleep"
4 oz. Marijuana
Serve neat. Garnish with cinnamon
Well actually :>