god fucking damnit when i saw dahlia is was so fucking perfect. me and devin rolled down to iowa city and sipped on some jager so i was feeling it when we got there. rolled in like 5 fucking minutes before they came on. they fucking shreded. i lit my joint during that bitch and handed the fucking shit up to trevor and watched him and brian hit it. he passed it back and i ran around the pit with it and ran up to devin and just let him hit it. such a perfect show literally 15/10.
Fuck yea nigga permanently working the night shift now. Every check is gonna be 70+ hours and I'll be making over a rack a month. Getting paid to listen to music all night. \m/
Boss was happy as fuck that I took it because no one fucking wants that shift lmao. So he said he's bumping my days up because I took the initiative. I couldn't have shit any better at a job like DD. Do everything at my own pace and have the restaurant completely to myself for 3 hours. Plus I'm singing my absolute best because I'm getting so much more practice. After the baker leaves, I'm literally in that bitch just absolutely belting my ass off and just practicing for hours. Could give a fuck if the camera picks it up lmao. Fuck I'm stoked.
Just smoked out the baker in the freezer and we're both really fucking high at this point.
He always blasts his boom box in the kitchen and I just passed it while he had Laid To Rest blasting, screaming "SEE WHO GIVES A FUCK." Wit his horns in the air and shit, looking exactly like the \m/ guy.
Goddamn. Car full of black folks pulls up and this fucking redbone in the back seat rolls down her window, I'm talking like a Meagan Good fine black bitch, and says "Are you white?" I said yea, and she's like "Oh never mind then.". The driver, who was very clearly gay, said "I'm sorry these 2 girls just find you extremely cute.".
Got stuck at the bottom for a half hour, just racking up points.
Just smoked out the baker in the freezer and we're both really fucking high at this point.
He always blasts his boom box in the kitchen and I just passed it while he had Laid To Rest blasting, screaming "SEE WHO GIVES A FUCK." Wit his horns in the air and shit, looking exactly like the \m/ guy.
I wouldnt be playing laid to rest doe if im listening to log.
Nugga irate as fuck this week
Fucked by the black man. :-<