Unless he did make an attempt and just won't say she turned him down lol
Nah. And that's honestly why I don't even have an answer as to why we didn't. I mean the mood was there all night, we were making out on some sloppy shit (Did it wit both of them tbh.), had her on my lap all night grinding to music, and nothing, she basically just went straight to sleep. She was white girl wasted to be fair, but still. :-??
Either way, yea I kinda took an L but I ain't even mad about it, it was a great night regardless.
Real talk... she was waiting for you to make a move.
Pretty much this. She was waiting for you to make that move and then go balls deep in her guts. Instead you went all Drake mode and tucked her in while reading her bed time stories.
That's why they gettin tipsy in the first place...
Deceased @ nigger knife.
Underrated post.