Showed my vocal coach a track I started working on last night when I was off that Tussin, and where she usually doesn't seem impressed and points out everything I need to work on, she said it's prolly the best vocal performance she's heard from me as far as my original shit and that she loved the main melody and harmonizing in the background. Felt really good dawg.
Prolly the most alpha shit I ever did in my life right now at the gym. Was about to do rack chins on the smith machine, left it for like 20 seconds to go fill up my water bottle, come back and 2 bitches, both bad as fuck, are about to get on it. Asked me if I was using it, I said yea. One was like, while using the fucking puppy voice and face, pushing her tits out, "Aw come on we'll be done quick we're kinda in a rush.". I said "Yea and I was kinda here first. No." They both looked at me like they wanted me to die and stomped off. Couple dudes started laughing their asses off and dapped me up lmao. Felt like a Goddamn king. I see gym simps all the time doing the exact opposite of what I did.