"What you may not realize is that your life has become one perpetual case of the Tuesday Blues because your serotonin levels are constantly depleted from doing too much ecstasy and now your existence is a living nightmare soundtracked by dubstep"
I got to work today and my manager tells me Im training a new guy. I dont see him for the first whole hour of my shift but he finally gets off a lane and we get to work with stuff. seems like a cool dude and being the person I am I eventually ask him what music hes into and he replies "a lot of heavy and experimental stuff, and stuff with varying time signatures." so I ask what kind of heavy and he basically goes into stuff like meshuggah and AAL and shit, but then we start really talking bands and I find out hes a big deftones/isis/cave in fan. \m/
Yeah its always funny talking heavy music with people. Cuz right out of the gate you cant be like "Yeah I dig Pig Destroyer" because thats the equivalent of speaking a foreign language to some people. So you kinda have to dumb it down and name a super popular band and just dig down from there until you realize they know their shit.
I actualy hate trying to explain trying to describe to people what I listen to when it's more than obvious they have no idea that the kind of music I listen to exists. Like I barely even feel right saying metal because people just think Metallica. And when people ask me to just name bands and I do they're just
But when people know exactly what you mean it's v chill.
yuuuuuuuuup pretty much every single time before when a coworker or random customer would ask me what kind of music Im into, Id say metal. but I found that the response was almost always the same. "oh so do you like that uh... crap whats their name..... theyre from here" "blessthefall." (/greeley estates/eyes set to kill/the word alive) "yeah them! my friends are really into them. like that?" "-_______________________-"
so now days I just respond with "death metal." its almost a surefire conversation stopper or serious enhancer. rarely in between.
a couple people at work are big mastodon fans and one loves aic but outside of that it seemed pretty bleak until this.
If it's like Focus then givzafukk but if it's like Traced In Air, or more specifically, Re-Traced, then =P~
so I ask what kind of heavy and he basically goes into stuff like meshuggah and AAL and shit, but then we start really talking bands and I find out hes a big deftones/isis/cave in fan. \m/
But when people know exactly what you mean it's v chill.
pretty much every single time before when a coworker or random customer would ask me what kind of music Im into, Id say metal. but I found that the response was almost always the same.
"oh so do you like that uh... crap whats their name..... theyre from here"
"blessthefall." (/greeley estates/eyes set to kill/the word alive)
"yeah them! my friends are really into them. like that?"
so now days I just respond with "death metal." its almost a surefire conversation stopper or serious enhancer. rarely in between.
a couple people at work are big mastodon fans and one loves aic but outside of that it seemed pretty bleak until this.