animal collective was a wilder show than the majority of metal shows I've been to this year. unbelievable. almost broke my glasses twice. been a minute since Ive seen marquee get that rowdy for a closing song too.
went to see saint vitus and zoroaster last night as a birthday present from a buddy of mine. ended up having drinks with mike from zoroaster and raging with him and dan during saint vitus. then i had drinks with david chandler. fuckin' sveeet night, but i paid for it all day today
Jonny Craig's notoriety aside, this dude makes some amazing fucking music. Emarosa is still that shit. I don't know how these dudes were lumped in the Core scene, they're essentially RnB.
also dayna pointed me in a different direction for my (new) loan, hopefully that will be more successful.
Every time me and my friends went for a drive stoned for about a year.
I saw them at Warped a few years ago with Craig, and they were awesome.