the Stray From The Path and No Bragging Rights pits were incredibly fun, ridiculous amount of stage divers, everyone was singing along to every word of every song from every band.
I love shows like this, much more passionate and intimate. Top 5 shows of the year for sure.
Most of y'all are ignorant and will just consider this as me being a homo, but the charm this dude has literally fucking emanating from him is insane. Dude in front of me asked "Can I shake your hand?" And the way he said "Of course." Was fucking velvet. I can't get it out of my head. Not in a gay or attracted way at all, but I can't even fucking explain it. Even his speaking voice is pretty, shit is ridiculous. It's no wonder his singing is so phenomenal.
Or maybe it's just finally seeing how he is as a person. I remember back when I first got into him and couldn't even find a picture of him, the vibe I got was "Man this is prolly an ugly ass drugged out weirdo/loner, but Goddamn he makes some amazing music.". Seeing that it's the complete opposite and the fact he has that young MJ swag about him is just polarizing to me.
Im glad you met your idol man. I'd probably react the same way if I was to meet Devin Townsend.
He and Gene Hoglan are the only two musicians I've ever met where i felt even slightly overwhelmed, mainly because they are two of my biggest musical influences.
Both were cool to talk too, just with Devin Townsend wasn't somewhat sick when i met him.
Finally got to jam with the guys I met the other day. Played a couple tunes. Felt good. That feel when your the weakest link doe.
Guitar player showed me some rough demos of ideas he has. He has some great high screams so he's thinking some blackened doom type stuff. Hope everything works out \m/
I love shows like this, much more passionate and intimate. Top 5 shows of the year for sure.
Both were cool to talk too, just with Devin Townsend wasn't somewhat sick when i met him.
I mean a lot!
Lol its always nice to meet artists that aren't douchebags!
Guitar player showed me some rough demos of ideas he has. He has some great high screams so he's thinking some blackened doom type stuff. Hope everything works out \m/
And since that your is no longer being used, lemme take that and put it in front of self, and in turn put kill in front of that.
Have a nice day Jacob. \m/