Other records are running fine. There is a scratch in the CC record, but it was completely skipping before. I changed the cartridge/stylus today, and tried it and while it clicks over the scratch - it works.
A Kenmore Direct Drive KD-67F. It was my aunts and I she was giving it away, so I took it. The stylus must've been a little brittle and worn, because it broke last week (thankfully while I was cleaning it, not while I was playing it), so I got a new cartridge/stylus in the mail today. Set it up, and works fine again. Even better apparently because it didn't skip over the CC album.
says the little simp nigga going straight for family insults. stay classy colorado
Sounds mad to me :-??
that is considered mad? you're trying too hard to be right dude.
and it's sad when people on here have that much time on their hands to go look that stuff up, only for it to not support their claim. go read a book or something nigga :-q
Took about 60 seconds faggot. Proceed to kill yourself. You were mad. Deal with it.
Lmao seeing the manlet tryna defend himself and make clever and funny insults is as much of a cringeworthy train wreck as The Situation at the Donald Trump Roast.
>decide to try "Gore Obsessed" again
>slight clicking, but no skipping. Listenable
>I'll take it
Been saying it for weeks.
>has disliked almost all of my posts since I called you out