At the same token though, a level of technicality should exist. Bands, like Emmure, who are boringly simple and/or generic don't interest me either. No matter how "good" their song writing is lol... I guess there needs to be a balance.
At the same token though, a level of technicality should exist. Bands, like Emmure, who are boringly simple and/or generic don't interest me either. No matter how "good" their song writing is lol... I guess there needs to be a balance.
Naw dude your looking at it wrong.. Emmure just blows dick and there songwriting is god awful.. Pretty horrible counter argument
Now someone like Johnny cash is simple yet is a great songwriter..
Technicality is not necessary tho in some instances it's def an enhancement
Now someone like Johnny cash is simple yet is a great songwriter..
Technicality is not necessary tho in some instances it's def an enhancement
And this...
SubRosa \m/